Codio Functionality

Jupyter Notebooks

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6 articles by 3 authors

RStudio in Codio

Changing Settings in RStudio. RStudio changes are a mix of stack updating and creating a new.rProj file in order for the changes to show up inside of Canvas. If changes are needed, follow the steps b…

Updated by Nick

How To Centralize the .codio-menu File to One Location

Centralize the.codio-menu File. In a case where we have a large amount of Codio units in a course, it would be cumbersome if there needs to be a change to the.codio-menu file. We want to make the cha…

Updated by Nick

Codio Fundamentals for LSG

The following recorded training and slide deck walks through the following topics: What is Codio? (Slide 2). Why is Codio? (Slide 3). Codio Integration Structure (Slide 7). Codio Unit Examples and An…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

Using the JupyterLab Starter Pack

JupyterLab is an open-source interactive development environment (created by Project Jupyter ) that provides a next-generation Jupyter Notebook interface. To name a few improvements, JupyterLab has a…

Brock Schmutzler
Updated by Brock Schmutzler

Using Code Formatters

This article contains some quick tips for to use JuliaFormatter , black , and styler to format code written in Julia, Python, and R (respectively). In particular, we discuss how to use these formatti…

Brock Schmutzler
Updated by Brock Schmutzler

Using the RStudio Starter Pack

RStudio is an integrated development environment (built by Posit ) that eCornell uses for many courses with coding projects in R. Specifically, eCornell uses an open-source version of RStudio Server…

Brock Schmutzler
Updated by Brock Schmutzler

Conda Environments in Codio

Rather than continuously creating new stacks for niche use cases, you can create one flexible stack with multiple hot-swappable conda environments that can be configured per-assignment to expose whatever packages and their versions when necessary.

Pavel Dimens
Updated by Pavel Dimens
