Table of Contents

5. On-Demand Conversion - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "On-Demand Conversion" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1.  Write Content for On-Demand OD Tab

Basic Task Description

See other KB articles in OD category

Workflow Guidelines

ID owns this task

  1. ID mark In progress when writing begins
  2. ID marks Done when draft is complete.
  3. ID Triggers the start of Task 2, IDD Review of Written OD Content

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Your Manager (*Applies to all tasks in this article)

Who Defines Dates?

All dates are initially established when project is initiated

ID can adapt dates, should consult with IDD to ensure changes work with project need

2. IDD Review of Written OD Content

Basic Task Description

See other KB articles in OD category

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID:
    1. Marks task To DO, ensures IDD assigned and tags the IDD to begin the course
    2. Links CPT to course
    3. Updates CPT share settings to all with link can edit
  2. IDD reviews
    1. Makes minor edits as needed
    2. Returns to ID if needed or Marks the task Done and proceeds to Copy Edit Task

Who Defines Dates?

Dates initially established when project plan established, have Write Content as a predecessor so they adapt to that task

3. Copy Edit of Written OD Content

Basic Task Description

See other KB articles in OD category

Workflow Guidelines

  1. IDD:
    1. Adds assignee
    2. Marks the task to do
    3. Links the CPT
    4. Tags assignee in comment
  2. Editor:
    1. Reviews
    2. If edits needed, return to IDD (ready for review),
    3. If approved, sets status to Done
    4. Tags IDD to notify of status

Who Defines Dates?

Dates initially established when project plan established, have IDD Review as a predecessor so they adapt to that task

4. Request/Create Banner Image

Basic Task Description

IDD passes development of OD to IDA after CPT OD tab is edited

Workflow Guidelines

  1. IDD: Tag IDA and mark To Do
  2. IDA: Facilitate process as described in KB article

Who Defines Dates?

  • Dates initially established when project plan established, have Copy Edit as a predecessor so they adapt to that task
  • IDA, GD, and OD Team to keep these dates updated; IDD monitors to ensure timely completion of OD/Course

5a. Request BLGs/Prep Templates with Titles

Basic Task Description

  • IDD passes development of OD to IDA after CPT OD tab is edited
  • IDA to request BLG template to be prepped by the GD.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. IDD: Tag IDA and mark To Do
  2. IDA: Facilitate process as described in KB article
    1. IDA provides parent titles and lesson titles of each OD needed in task description. 
    2. IDA tags and leaves a comment to the GD Coordinator for allocation
    3. GD Coordinator assigns GD. 
    4. GD preps the BLG with the titles and tags the IDA. GD marks task as Done.

Who Defines Dates?

  • Dates initially established when project plan established, have prior tasks as a predecessors so they adapt to that task
  • IDA, GD, and OD Team to keep these dates updated; IDD monitors to ensure timely completion of OD/Course

5b. Add Content to BLG via InCopy

Basic Task Description

See other KB articles in OD category

Workflow Guidelines

IDA initiates this task when BLG available

Who Defines Dates?

  • Dates initially established when project plan established, have prior tasks as a predecessors so they adapt to that task
  • IDA, GD, and OD Team to keep these dates updated; IDD monitors to ensure timely completion of OD/Course

5c. Export to PDF and add to Proof for Approval

Basic Task Description

GD adjusts and exports BLG based on the InCopy edits provided.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. IDA tags GD when InCopy edits have been made. 
  2. GD adjusts and exports the files for review and marks as Done. Files are shared via Wrike Proof on 5d. Approve BLG

Who Defines Dates?

  • Dates initially established when project plan established, have prior tasks as a predecessors so they adapt to that task
  • IDA, GD, and OD Team to keep these dates updated; IDD monitors to ensure timely completion of OD/Course

5d. Approve BLG

Basic Task Description

Follow instructions from other KB articles in OD category

Basic Task Description

Follow instructions from other KB articles in OD category

6. Build OD Lesson

Basic Task Description

Follow instructions from other KB articles in OD category

Who Defines Dates?

  • Dates have set predecessors - BLG is complete and the -M version is deployed (including CT)
  • IDA and OD team to keep dates updated; IDD monitors to ensure timely completion of the course

Common Mistakes/Confusion

OD lessons can only be built from -M versions of the course. Do not work ahead

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