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Course Maintenance Issue Resolution Process

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

When you’re assigned a course maintenance ticket, something needs to be changed or updated in an existing course. There are five steps to resolve a course maintenance issue.

Step 1: Review the ticket.


  • What the issue is 
  • The suggested solution - (if no suggested solution, how could you fix it?)

If you're unsure how to fix it, you may need to contact the ID or IDA who worked on the course for more information.

Step 2: Make the requested changes.

The course page(s) should be linked in the ticket. Tickets are often linked to the course page in the live section. Find the corresponding page in the master course; make your changes there.

Set the -M as a Blueprint Course

Beginning in January 2024, we will be using a blueprint master to sync all changes made in the -M to the -T and Demo courses. You'll know that the -M is a blueprint by the three blue overlapping squares indicating blueprint functionality.

  • If the course you're working on has not yet been made into a blueprint, @ mention someone who has been trained to safely remove course content in the Wrike task, letting them know that you've addressed the issue in the ticket, and the master needs to be made into a blueprint. The person you tagged will make the -M a blueprint and associate the -T and Demo courses to it.
  • If the -M course has already been made into a blueprint master, simply sync changes as explained in the Canvas Blueprint Course Functionality article.
Update All Relevant Course Versions

Typically, the -M course will need the solution, and depending on the severity of the issue, the live section(s) should also be updated. Beginning in January 2024, we will be using a blueprint master to push all changes in the -M to the -T and demo courses; they will not need to be manually updated any longer.

Search for ABC101_YYYYMM to look up currently live or soon-to-be live course sections. New sections typically open on Wednesdays and run for two or three weeks from their start date.

In addition to making changes to the -M course and maybe the live section, the Wrike task will remind you to update the demo/training versions as well as any OnDemand lessons made from this course. To find those in Canvas:

  • To look up On Demand lessons, append OD, such as ABC101OD: On Demand lessons contain one module of a short course, so ABC101OD1-M contains content from the first module of ABC101, for example.
  • Append -T and :DEMO such as ABC101-T and ABC101: DEMO to look up training and demo courses. Alternatively, search for ABC101 and then browse for "demo," or "training" in the course title.
Implement Changes Regarding Course Files

If the update you're making involves making edits to course files, it is important that the files on S3 and those in that course's Final Files folder of the CSG Tools Shared Google Drive are the same. When you're done making your edits as outlined in the Copy Edit Course and Files article, be sure the edited file is uploaded both to S3 and to Final Files, and that the file name doesn't change in any way.

Step 3: Document your changes.

Note changes made in the AA Maintenance page (unpublished in Pages view). Include the date and a link to the Wrike task when documenting your changes.

Step 4: Alert QA.

When finished, tag Karen Shepherd so QA can review the edits you’ve made and determine any next steps. Include links to any pages you edited and VideoIDs of any captions you edited in your comment.

QA team members will need this information to update the course transcript in Step Five below.

Step 5: Update the Course Transcript. (QA Team)

Update the course transcript, if needed. Typically, a QA team member will make edits to the course transcript.

If the Canvas content or any video transcript has been changed in any way, those changes will need to be made in the course transcript, following the steps outlined in the Create & Add Course Transcript to Course article, summarized briefly below:

  1. Course Transcript Maker Tool is used to create new HTML file of course transcript.
    If the edits to the course are small and/or affect only a small number of pages, replacing just the edited sections of the course in the existing HTML file in the -M course with the newly created HTML file may be less labor intensive than finalizing the newly created HTML file.
  2. HTML is printed from Chrome, creating a PDF file.
  3. PDF is finalized (accessibility check and header/footer edits, as needed).
  4. Old files are replaced in the -M course (HTML and PDF) with the edited versions.

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