RStudio in Codio

Nick Updated by Nick

Changing Settings in RStudio

RStudio changes are a mix of stack updating and creating a new .rProj file in order for the changes to show up inside of Canvas.

If changes are needed, follow the steps below to promulgate the changes:

  1. Make the required change(s) in the RStudio menu
  2. In RStudio, remove the existing .rProj file and go to File > New Project. Select "New Directory" or "Existing Directory" (whichever applies) to create the new .rProj file.
  3. Back in Codio, go to Project > Stack > Create New... and select "New Stack Version". Enter the changelog note and click "Create".
  4. Publish the unit and enter in the changelog note.

Note: Every Codio unit needing a settings change will need to be on the latest stack version with a fresh .rProj file if a setting has to be changed after an initial publish. Any subsequent RStudio menu changes will require steps 1-3 above to be applied again.

Clearing Hidden Files in RStudio

If there are any hidden files in the ~/.rstudio/sources directory, after a student marks the unit as completed and return to the page in Canvas, those files might show up in RStudio. They will need to be removed from the terminal and have a new stack version created. To do this, follow the step below:

  1. cd ~/.rstudio/sources
  2. Remove all the files (only) in each of the sub-directories : rm <fileName>
  3. Go to Project > Stack > Create New... and select "New Stack Version". Enter the changelog note and click "Create".
  4. Publish the unit and enter in the changelog note.

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How To Centralize the .codio-menu File to One Location
