​Codio Remote Feedback Tools​

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Codio Remote Feedback Tools

This article contains a brief overview of Codio tools you can utilize when students are engaged in direct coding exercises.

In-line Commenting

With this feature, Facilitators and students can add code comments that are called out separately from the code itself, and are visible and tagged with the author when viewing the student's project.

  1. Open the student's project:
  2. If the student has commented in the code file, it will appear with a date-time stamp:
  3. You can add to the same comment by clicking "Add Comment":
  4. You can add a comment in a different location by hovering over the left side of the file until the plus sign appears:
    The student can add comments using the same functionality:
  5. You can edit or delete comments using the three-dots menu on the right:

Cursor Presence

If the student is currently logged in and working on the page, you will see their name and cursor location:

The student can also see your presence:

NOTE: if you leave a comment while the student is on the page, they will need to refresh in order to see it. The inline comments are not ideal for real-time chatting.

Code Playback

Code Playback allows you to replay the actions the student took while writing code. IN order to access this feature:

  1. Select "Code Playback" from the Tools menu:

Or right-click the filename in the tab and select "Code Playback" in the context menu:

  1. This will give you a separate playback pane for the student's code file, which has playback controls and can show you how the student entered their code.

This blog post on the Codio site goes more in-depth into the Code Playback functionality.

How did we do?

Codio Reference: Manually Graded Exercises

Codio Reference: Ungraded exercises
