Enabling Zoom/"Live Sessions" in a Course

Casey Shew Updated by Casey Shew

The Zoom LTI integration is used in Canvas on both lms.ecornell.com and canvas.cornell.edu to facilitate live virtual sessions such as office hours and synchronous learning events. On both Canvas instances, the Zoom LTI integration is installed at the root account level, so it is very simple to enable it for your course. The only difference is that on lms.ecornell.com, the Zoom Integration is labelled as "Live Sessions", whereas on canvas.cornell.edu, it is labelled simply as "Zoom".

Enabling Zoom/"Live Sessions" in an lms.ecornell.com Course

  1. Open the course you'd like to enable Live Sessions in
  2. Click on "Settings" in the left navigation and click on the tab labelled "Navigation"
  1. If the "Live Sessions" item already appears above the line that reads "Drag items here to hide them from students.", then Zoom/"Live Sessions" is already enabled for your course. Otherwise if it appears below that line, simply click and drag it up above that line in the order that you'd like it to appear in the student's left navigation.
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save". That's it! The integration now can be used by teachers and students in this course.

Enabling Zoom/"Live Sessions" in an canvas.cornell.edu Course

  1. Open the course you'd like to enable Live Sessions in
  2. Click on "Settings" in the left navigation and click on the tab labelled "Navigation"
  1. If the "Zoom" item already appears above the line that reads "Drag items here to hide them from students.", then Zoom is already enabled for your course. Otherwise if it appears below that line, simply click and drag it up above that line in the order that you'd like it to appear in the student's left navigation.
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save". That's it! The integration now can be used by teachers and students in this course.

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