Course Announcements and Messages Templates

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Course Announcements and Messages Templates

You can use this Course Announcements and Email Templates tool to assist you in editing and posting your course announcements for our standard two week courses.

This downloadable provides the generic versions of all required course announcements, as well as a couple of additional useful messages; for example, the "Gentle Nudge" email for students who are lagging. For each, the document also specifies:

  • Whether the announcement is preloaded or not
  • Which information needs to be tailored (those are the passages in brackets)
  • The recommended/required posting date for that announcement

Remember that you are welcome to further customize these messages (within reason), although we recommend that you keep the primary information within the announcement. If you have questions about the process or parameters of modifying our basic message templates, please contact your manager.

To add the link to your bio for the Welcome announcement, you need to copy the URL from within the course and not the bio from the account icon. To copy it from within the course, click on the people tab, and then your name. You should now see your bio and this is the URL to copy to add into the announcement.

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