BugHerd Basics - Guests

BugHerd is organized into Projects, with a one-to-one relationship between Canvas courses and BH Projects. 

When you are added to a BugHerd Project, you will receive an automated email message informing you. Please make sure to specifically click on the "Give feedback" link:

Note: It's important to follow the built in prompt in order to avoid creating an entirely new BugHerd account not associated with the existing eCornell account/projects.

After clicking the link, you'll be provided instructions for installing the BugHerd browser extension, which is the main point of access for eCornell BugHerd projects (here is the direct link: https://www.bugherd.com/extensions)

Note: when you install the BugHerd browser extension, it will ask you if you want to restrict its access: do not restrict the extension's access (say, to https://lms.ecornell.com), since this will prevent BugHerd from functioning properly with the course.

Once you have installed the extension, you’ll be able to see the BugHerd logo in your browser; when you navigate to the course in Canvas, it will appear active (with a green checkmark) and will show the course/Project information when clicked:

Clicking the BugHerd icon in the lower left of the screen -- 

-- will open the BugHerd side-panel when logged into Canvas:

To log a bug, click the blue plus-sign on the side panel and then select the area/element of the page with which you want to associate the bug. This will open a BugHerd window and take an automatic screenshot. You will then fill in the various areas of the individual bug/task:

  • Task Details: This is the overall description of the bug, issue or suggestions: free-form text entry.
  • Assignee: this is the person to whom the bug is assigned. You can leave this “unassigned” initially.
  • Severity: you can set this to one of the four options (“Critical; Important; Normal; and Minor”) or leave it on “not set” if you’re not sure. 
  • Tags: you can create new tags or use already-existing ones (these will appear if you start typing in the "Tags" box.). If the project owner has established a list of tags, try to stick to these.
  • Attach file(s): You can attach files if necessary; e.g., if there is a replacement for a file students need to download from this page.
  • Add annotations: You can open and add basic annotations to the automatically-created screenshot, like arrows, highlight boxes and callouts.

Beta Video Feature:

Bugherd has implemented a video recording feature to allow for capturing clips of movement or action on screen. This is useful to provide walkthroughs on interactions, animations, and anything else that's difficult-to-describe with written words alone. To use this feature:

  1. Click the video button from the bugherd sidebar.
  2. Agree to the screen sharing permissions, and select which screen you would like to record. You can select a specific window or individual tab from these options.
  3. Bugherd will begin recording, and you can interact with the webpage however you need to. Try to recreate the bug or issue in a way that clearly depicts or demonstrates the issue on screen.
  4. When you're done, hit the stop button from the control panel in the bottom left. Bugherd will proceed with the typical annotation logging window with the same features listed above. Fill out the remaining relevant information, and your recorded screen capture will be included when you click 'Create Task'.

For working in Canvas when you have both an Admin and a Student user in a course, where your Canvas Admin user is the same as your BugHerd user (email/login ID):

  1. Log into Canvas with the Admin user (i.e., the one whose ID is the same as your BugHerd user;
  2. Use Canvas’ “Act As User” functionality to test as a Student user (yours or someone else’s) and log issues into BH
As a guest, depending on the project, you may have permission to view and submit comments. To search for comments to you, log into the dashboard Bugherd and view the Comments for me section. you’ll be able to view comments that you’ve been mentioned in and comments on tasks you’re assigned to. You can also search comments using the search field. Users can simply use the search bar in the dashboard and enter their username, and BugHerd will pull up all the comments that were addressed to them.

How did we do?

BugHerd Basics - Members
