How to Change a Project's Item Type in Wrike

Casey Shew Updated by Casey Shew

Custom Item Types are a feature in Wrike which allow us to define project “types” that have unique icons and item view layouts based on our definition. Item types should be used for almost all course development and course updates projects, to visually represent which type of project it is and so that the relevant fields appear on the card view.

Changing a project's item type will not alter any of the data associated with it. It will simply display a different icon in the folder tree and the arrangement of custom fields on the card view will be updated to reflect the ones most relevant to that item type.

Changing a Project's Item Type

  1. Right-click on the project where you'd like to change the item type
  2. Hover over "Change item type" to show the list of item types you can change to
  3. Click on the item type you'd like to change it to
  4. A confirmation popup will appear. Click "Change Type" to confirm.
  5. That's it!

Changing a project's item type is as easy as that. Even if you need to change it again in the future, it's as easy as following these same steps again. Because changing a project's item type is non-destructive, it is easy to adjust as needed.

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