Wrike System Fundamentals

​Using Search in Wrike

Use the search box in Wrike to find tasks, folders, projects, spaces, comments in tasks, request forms, reports, files, or other account members. The Wrike search box allows ad…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Field Population

Project Roles. Field Who When Populated Update Cadence IDA ID Director Allocation meetings for new projects, on template copy otherwise Only if reassigned, on as-needed basis IDD ID Director Allocati…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

1.0 to 2.0 Wrike Project Conversion

Verification. Verify that course projects selected for conversion should indeed be converted. Verification done through IDDs, IDs, and stage of development confirmations Stage of development confirma…


Blocking Time Off in Work Schedule (Wrike)

Overview. The Wrike "Work Schedule" feature enables you to adjust your availability to reflect a non-traditional work schedule (e.g., M-Th or 6-hour days) and to block times you will not be available…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Wrike Custom Field Glossary

The following is a list of definitions for the custom fields that are used in Wrike..

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

Wrike "Custom Item Type" Definitions

Custom Item Types are a feature in Wrike which allow us to define project “types” that have unique icons and item view layouts based on our definition. Use this article as a reference of the custom i…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

How to Create a Private Dashboard in Wrike

Overview. A Wrike Dashboard is a private or shared customizable view that contains widgets. Dashboards exist to help you manage and easily view your tasks. They can provide a quick overview of your p…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Using Timesheets in Wrike

Overview. Timesheets provide a quick overview of tasks you worked on during a given week and the time you spent working on them. You can also add and delete time entries directly from Timesheets. *At…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Importing Tasks into a Wrike Project

Importing Tasks into a Wrike Project. There may be occasions where you need to import a task, or group of tasks, from a Wrike Blueprint or existing course project for use in another project. Use the…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Wrike Project Delay Causes Definitions

The custom field in Wrike titled "Project Delay Causes" (shown below) is used by IDDs to capture the primary factors influencing a project being delayed, if any. The selection choices for this custom…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

Setting OOO Coverage for Roles in Wrike

Overview. This article is intended for Wrike user group managers and users who are designated in a single-resource role. Visit Wrike for an overview on User Groups in Wrike. Wrike allows you to tempo…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

How to Change a Project's Item Type in Wrike

Custom Item Types are a feature in Wrike which allow us to define project “types” that have unique icons and item view layouts based on our definition. Item types should be used for almost all course…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

How to Create a Custom Report in Wrike

Overview. Wrike reports help you track and monitor your projects and tasks assigned to you. Reports are highly customizable. You can even build a report from scratch. Create a report. Navigate to the…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

@ Mentioning Roles in Wrike

Overview. Wrike offers the ability to @ mention a “Role” in a task’s comment field rather than a specific individual user. This feature is very important because eCornell LSG has specific tasks that,…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Automate Rules

All Direct Sub-Tasks Completed Triggers "Done" Parent Task Status. Rule Definition: When all of the direct sub-tasks of a parent are marked "Done" the status of the parent task will be marked "Done"…


Using Filters in Wrike

Using Filters in Wrike. Overview. Wrike filters are powerful. They enable you to find information in an instant moment, reducing the need to spend time browsing through projects. Filters help you con…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll
