Schedule & Conduct Alpha Triage Meeting

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll


An Alpha triage meeting is a collaborative effort among the course design team members involved in developing a course, such as IDs, IDAs, IDDS, ITG technical leads, Alpha Facilitator Lead, and sometimes faculty. The meeting typically takes place after the alpha testing phase and aims to prioritize and address any issues or problems that arose during the testing.

The primary objective of the meeting is to quickly assess the feedback collected in the BugHerd project, which allows the team to prioritize and confirm any updates, fixes or changes that need to be made to the course design, such as fixing bugs and addressing other issues before moving on to the QA phase.

This is an optional task and depends on consultation between Tech Lead, Alpha Coordinator, and ID.

Facilitating the meeting

Facilitating an Alpha triage meeting may not look the same for every eCornell STEM course due to various factors and unique situations. For example, the lead facilitator of a course may request to lead the meeting, while at other times the ID or Alpha admin person will facilitate the conversation. During the triage meeting, the team engages in a detailed discussion, going through BugHerd to discuss all the feedback, bugs, and other issues that need attention. This is to ensure that the course design is sound and ready for the next phase.


Basic Task Description

Scheduled by the ID & Tech Lead; invite:

  • IDA
  • Alpha Facilitator
  • Product Owner
  • Faculty Author (if involved at that level)

Who Defines Dates?

ID schedules a single Zoom meeting

Common Mistakes/Confusion

This task is optional, and can sometimes be replaced by an asynchronous BugHerd review by the ID/IDA in consultation with the Tech Lead

Wrike Guidelines

Wrike Task Location

[Course code and title] > 6. Alpha -> 2.Schedule & Conduct Alpha Triage Meeting

Workflow Guidelines

Set task to To Do when scheduled; set to Done when complete.

Set to N/A if the determination is made not to hold a triage meeting for the course.

Who to Tag in Wrike if You Need More Info

Ted Blanchard

How did we do?

Prepare a course for Alpha review
