Manually Graded “Reflect and Submit” Codio Exercises

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Manually Graded “Reflect and Submit” Codio Exercises

In most of the courses in the CIS550s Certification, there are exercises in Codio called “Reflect and Submit”, which require the students to provide a text response to a question. These questions serve to illustrate or strengthen a conceptual point covered in the preceding code exercise or project, and they include an “answer rationale” rubric with which the student’s response should be compared. Once the student has submitted an answer, the course instructor must review it and mark the Assessment either Correct (1 point) or Incorrect (0 points); there is also an option to provide directly to the student. 


  1. From the Assignments list, locate the Assignment and click it. In the CIS550s courses, these exercises are generally associated with the Project Submission Assignments:
    You can also navigate from Assignment to Assignment and from Student to Student within the Codio interface, so it’s not necessary to know exactly which Assignment you need before clicking into it.
  2. Once in the Assignment, click the student’s name in the Units List, Progress tab:

  1. With the student selected in the Students List pane, you will be able to see the student’s progress in all the Codio Assessments for this unit. Note the icon for the manually graded free-text assessments in the Type column, and value of the Correct column for “submitted and graded” (the green check) vs. “not yet submitted” (GRADE). Click the name of the exercise -- in this case, “Explain Your Idea” -- in the list:
  1. This will open the “Assessments grading” dialog box.
  2. Here, you can mark the student Correct (or Incorrect), and provide additional feedback. You can also navigate from student to student on this exercise, or from exercise to exercise for this student, without closing the box:

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