Table of Contents

Planning for Accessible Tools

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll


The purpose of this article is to inform best practices when planning the content for accessible tools.

Best Practices

When drafting a tool, keep these best practices in mind:


  • Only use tables for comparing data
  • Do not use tables as a layout device

Content layout

  • Use single spaces between sentences
  • No double returns between paragraphs


  • Use h1, h2, etc. to convey meaning and structure
  • Preferably use short headings
  • Provide outline of content

All graphic/images

  • Depending upon the context of the material, graphics and images are either marked as decorative, need alternative text, or need a long description. See W3C Success Criteria 1.1.1 for more information.
  • Decorative images do not convey meaning to the learner.
    • If the image does not teach anything, describe it as a decorative image and avoid sharing irrelevant information.
  • Alt text is required when…
    • Image is the central point of a lesson. If the image is a critical part of the learning concept, it should be described as thoroughly as possible.
    • Image is part of an assessment or activity. Be sure to describe the specific pieces of information needed to complete the task.
    • Image indicates an action is required. When a figure contains additional links or represents an activity (e.g., pencil icon represents a writing exercise, headphone icon represents a listening exercise), describe the functional role via alt text to facilitate navigation.
  • Long description is used for images that are overly complex and need more information to describe the function and/or information of the image. These descriptions will be added to the end of the tool, like an appendix.
    • Students will know to look towards the end of the tool as the alt text in the image will direct them (ex. Alt text: Please refer to the appendix on pg. 7 for the image description)
  • Use live text instead of using images of text. Screen readers and other auditory devices are unable to read text displayed on an image. See W3C Success Criteria 1.4.5 for more information.
  • Hyperlink text should convey the meaning of the link. Avoid using “click here” or “read more” for the active hyperlink, instead describe the target page.

Symbols in text

  • If a more complicated symbol needs to be used, please indicate what symbol it is, so the graphic designer can use the correct symbol/glyph.
    • Ex: mathmathetic symbols (Greek vs linear), copyright/registered, foreign currency

Table of contents

  • Include a table of contents for tools that are seven pages or longer

Interactive elements

a. WCAG requires labels or instructions on interactive elements. The graphic designer will include relevant metadata on interactive elements so they’re understandable by all users.

  • ex. A screenreader user will know that the interactive text field is asking for your name since there are instructions attached to the field.

b. File formats

  • PDF: Limited to text fields, radio buttons (difficult to navigate for people with mobility impairment), checkboxes, previous/last page, jump to page
  • PPT: Recommended format when students need to arrange or build graphics
    • Ex. Arrows to connect to text box, creating flowcharts
  • Excel: Data input and preset formulas allow for students to input information
  • Word: Better for typed answers
    • Limited on functionality for other interactive elements — for instance, do not include checkboxes

c. Regardless of file type, when building the following tool content, consider the operability of:

  • Flow charts
  • Questions with answers
  • Image and definitions
  • Data lists and code functions
  • Graphics and infographics

How did we do?

Integrating Content Authored by a Third Party

Accessibility Considerations for Third Party Tools
