Accessibility Design and Development Best Practices

Accessible Images Using Alt Text and Long Descriptions

This document, compiled by CSG, addresses handling complex images with alt text and long descriptions.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Accessible Excel Files

Excel files, when used for data, are innately accessible. Find tips from Microsoft for ensuring accessibility in Excel files in the links herein.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Accessibility and Semantic Headings

Learn about how semantic headings help create accessible content in content excerpted from a presentation by John Packard.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Accessible Hyperlinks

Find standards about creating hyperlinks, including what text to include as the link and guidelines for ensuring hyperlinks are accessible.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Accessible Tables

Note the following tips when building tables with accessibility in mind, both in tools and in Canvas. In general, use tables to organize data; do not use tables to ease in formatting web page or document layouts.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Creating Accessible Microsoft Files

The purpose of this article is to inform best practices for Microsoft files.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Mathpix: Accessible STEM

Mathpix uses artificial intelligence (AI) and optical character recognition (OCR) to capture math images and generate MathML code, which is the key to creating math that is accessible to pe…

Brock Schmutzler
Updated by Brock Schmutzler

Design and Development General Approach to Accessibility

eCornell’s primary approach to design and development regarding accessibility is to design with accessibility in mind: we are all responsible for ensuring our content is as accessible as possible.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Integrating Content Authored by a Third Party

If you need to integrate content that is authored outside of eCornell, such as articles, case studies, or graphics, consider the following

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Planning for Accessible Tools

The purpose of this article is to inform best practices when planning the content for accessible tools.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Accessibility Considerations for Third Party Tools

This article outlines principles to follow and considerations to be made when a need arises to incorporate a new third party tool or resource into a course.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Studio Accessibility

The purpose of this article is to inform best practices for understanding studio accessibility for faculty and experts.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

Designing for Accessible Canvas Courses

Use the following guidelines when designing Canvas content to ensure it is accessible.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll
