Codio Quick Resources

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Codio Quick Resources

Codio hosts a Instructor Help Center filled with answers for many FAQs. Although these articles are NOT specific to eCornell, you may find them helpful to have as a reference. Please feel free to browse their knowledge base and these resources if needed.

Below, we have provided a few articles you may find helpful:

Teaching-related Codio support articles


Code Commenting

Codio Plagiarism Checker


Some of these have steps included which do not apply to us at all because we are integrated with Canvas.

Much of this also is showing all the things Codio can do whereas we are sometimes consistently doing it one way.

None of this documentation really covers what a Facilitator needs to do in our courses, but is helpful reference for how to do things once what to do is established.

Note for learning new Codio courses to Facilitate:

When you are in training sections as a TA, you may use the "View as Student" functionality to see the Codio assignments from the student perspective. You can also participate in the assignment from this view.

How did we do?

Manually Graded “Reflect and Submit” Codio Exercises

Codio Reference: Embedded quiz questions (H5P)
