Codio Reference: Manually Graded Exercises

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Codio Reference: Manually Graded Exercises

Native Codio

For exercises in which the students write code directly in Codio (in exercise files), the results are generally autograded; see above for examples. One exception is “Reflect” exercises, which are meant to provide students a way to respond in writing to concepts explored in the exercises. The format is generally like this:

See this article for more information on reviewing and grading these exercises.

Embedded Tools

For courses which use additional environments embedded within Codio, such as RStudio, OmniDB or Jupyter Notebooks, the units are sometimes set up so that the students complete the exercises and mark the unit Completed, and then the instructor reviews the student’s work and gives them the appropriate grade. The examples for Jupyter Notebooks or OmniDB would look very similar to the ones above in the Autograded Exercises section, with the exception that the students will show no points/grades in Codio until the instructor manually sets them. Here is an example using embedded RStudio:

With manually graded exercises, once the student has marked the unit complete, you need to enter Codio in teacher view, review their work, and assign them the appropriate grade as shown: 

In the above example, there is a Grading Scheme in Codio, as shown in the two options available after the “0” grade field is clicked on. In some cases, there is not a Codio grading scheme; in those cases, the facilitator will need to fill in a (percentage: 0-100) grade manually, based on the student’s work

Uploaded Documents

There are some projects which consist of a student working through a code exercise in Codio and/or an embedded tool, submitting a response to an external online evaluation site (e.g., Kaggle), and then uploading the resulting document in Canvas for the facilitator to evaluate. The grading for these exercises takes place entirely within Canvas, and the facilitator should not have to engage Codio at all.

Example of a Kaggle submission exercise:

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