How To Centralize the .codio-menu File to One Location

Nick Updated by Nick

Centralize the .codio-menu File

In a case where we have a large amount of Codio units in a course, it would be cumbersome if there needs to be a change to the .codio-menu file. We want to make the change(s) needed in one central location and have those changes be automatically pulled into each Codio unit when the box loads up. The following are the steps needed to achieve this result.

  1. In the terminal, type in the following to get the version of Ubuntu being used: lsb_release -a. Take note if the version is 14 or 18.
  2. If using Ubuntu 18, inside of Codio, go to Tools > Install Software and type in "Autostart Support" and click the blue button to install it. Note: You do not need to install this for Ubuntu 14.
  3. Still in the terminal, navigate to the following directory: /home/codio. If using Ubuntu 14, continue to 3a. If using Ubuntu 18, skip to 3b.
    1. Type the following command: vim .bash_profile to open the file.
    2. Type the following command: vim This will create and open the file.
  4. Hit the "i" key to enter "insert mode". If using Ubuntu 14, paste in the following code in step 4a at the end of the .bash_profile file. If using Ubuntu 18, paste in the code in 4b.
    1. #!/bin/bash
      rm /home/codio/workspace/.codio-menu
      wget -O .codio-menu {URL to your codio-menu.txt file}
    2. #!/bin/bash
      rm /home/codio/workspace/.codio-menu
      cd workspace
      while true;do
      wget -O .codio-menu {URL to your codio-menu.txt file} && break
  5. Hit the "esc" key, type ":wq" (for write and quit), and then hit enter/return.
  6. Go to "Project > Stack > Create New..." and select "New Stack Version". Enter the comment in the changelog and click "Create".
  7. Exit the unit, and publish it with the appropriate changelog comment.

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