Image Uploads for Inline Projects

Maeve O'Hara Updated by Maeve O'Hara

When developing inline projects that require students to submit an image, use the File Upload question type. This differs from earlier guidance, which recommended pasting in images. This question type allows students to upload files quickly and allows facilitators to see resizable thumbnails of these images in the SpeedGrader. Do not use the "pasting in" guidance, which has caused course maintenance tickets.

  1. Accepted file types must always be set for each question. Check Restrict File Types. The following file extensions work for most applications:
    1. .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png
      1. Both .jpg AND .jpeg must be specified every time.
    2. .svg can be added in special cases with large image files, e.g., the Photography certificate.
    3. .tiff/.tif is not a recommended extension as it will not resize thumbnails properly in the gradebook.
  2. The question prompt must always explicitly state the allowed file types within the question. Some students do not read the File Upload's UI, which tells them the accepted file types, so include language directly in the question prompt. Use "upload" language rather than "attach."
  3. By default, students can upload multiple files. To limit this, check Limit File Number and specify how many they can upload.

Upload a screenshot of your completed graph below. Please note that only .jpg, .jpeg, or .png file types are accepted.

Now you will demonstrate your understanding of lighting. Upload your five final images as one of the following file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, or .svg.

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