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Adding Google Links to Canvas

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

This article explains the process for adding links to Google Documents into Canvas pages, and discusses both creating hyperlinks within Canvas and embedding a document via an iframe.

Linking to a Document

  1. Locate the finalized PDF you wish to upload to your canvas page and right-click. choose “Share”.

  1. A “Share with people and groups” box will open. Click Change at the bottom under the "Get Link” section. 
Note: You can also use this link when sharing a page with faculty via email. Remember, we cannot use the preview URL as it will not act the same way -- it will send them to the folder, not the document.

  1. In the “Get link” window, choose Anyone with the link.
    1. Select the dropdown menu to the right, and select Commenter.

  1. In the same window, select Copy link and then Done.

Linking the document on a Canvas page
  1. Add your public link to Canvas by selecting the Edit button on the Canvas page.
  1. Next, choose one of the following two options to paste your link: 
    1. Option 1: Using the Rich Text Editor:
      1. Place your cursor over the text you’d like to link, and select the “link to URL” icon.
      2. Next, place your copied link into the “Link to Website URL” dialog box. Click Update Link and then Save.
    1. Option 2: Using the HTML Editor:
      1. Paste your copied link. Click “Save”
Downloadables should be added to S3, and S3 links should replace GDrive links in Canvas during the DEV to QA Handoff process.

Embedding the document on a page

See more details about embedding a document into Canvas.

How did we do?

Embed a Document from Google Drive

File Naming and Storage Convention Standards
