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Importing Tasks into a Wrike Project

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

Importing Tasks into a Wrike Project

There may be occasions where you need to import a task, or group of tasks, from a Wrike Blueprint or existing course project for use in another project. Use the following scenarios as examples.

Scenario 1

An IDD is creating a new for-credit course project in Wrike and wishes to re-use a task from an older project in the same program. Follow the steps below:

Duplicate tasks from an existing project

  1. Navigate to a folder, project, or space that contains the task you want to duplicate and switch to List view.
  2. Right-click the task you want to duplicate. 
  3. Select Duplicate from the list that appears.
  4. Enter a name for the task in the pop-up that appears and select the project. Click on any necessary optional items:
    1. Copy description: Copy the task description when the task is duplicated.
    2. Copy attachments: Include the same attachments on the duplicated task.
    3. Copy assignees: Keep the same assignees when the task is duplicated.
    4. Copy custom fields: always check this box. This retains important field data for reporting.
    5. Reschedule: Set a start or due date for the task.
  5. (Optional) check Add another so that the dialog box remains open. You can duplicate another task (you can configure each task differently using this option).
  6. Click Duplicate.
If you right-click and select duplicate on a task with subtasks, such as a bucket/milestone task (i.e., "1. Non-Video Assets"), then that task and all of its subtasks will be duplicated into the specified project.
Scenario 2

An IDD created a course project before releasing a new course development template. They'd like to import new tasks from the updated template. Follow the steps below to avoid having to create an entirely new project:

Import tasks from a Blueprint

  1. Navigate to Blueprints and locate the template you want to copy from.
  2. Change the view to List.
  3. Select a task or milestone (in which multiple tasks are stored. ex. 'Non-Video Assets.')
  4. Right-click and choose 'Create from Blueprint.'
    Do not choose 'Duplicate,' as this option will only allow blueprint tasks to be copied into other Blueprint projects!
  5. Click the blue "+ Select' button and type in the course you're updating.
  6. Uncheck 'Notify Assignees.'
  7. Click 'Create'
  8. Once the Blueprint tasks are imported into the selected course, you may need to edit the task titles with the course code prefix. Repeat this step for all copied tasks.
  9. Add predecessors to the newly added tasks to include them in the project's predecessor chain. For more information, visit the knowledge base articles on Predecessors.

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