@ Mentioning Roles in Wrike

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll


Wrike offers the ability to @ mention a “Role” in a task’s comment field rather than a specific individual user. This feature is very important because eCornell LSG has specific tasks that, as part of their workflow, need to have people @-mentioned so they can assign the actual resource (ex. Video Manager); There are several particular roles that should be used this way, that are listed at the bottom of the article.

Wrike Roles are useful if you need to communicate task information to one of the specific roles in Wrike but you don’t know who’s currently in that role. Perhaps the person you typically contact is out of office, or the person responsible for a task changed to someone else.

The following article teaches you how to @ mention one of the specified roles. It also contains a list of available roles that can be @ mentioned.

How to @ mention a group role 

The process is similar to @ mentioning an individual user but type a role name instead of typing a user name. 

  1. Open a task or the info panel of the folder or project where you want to @mention someone.
  2. Click the comments section and type the @ symbol followed by the group's name after the @ symbol and then select the group from the list.
  3. Add additional text to your comment.
  4. Click the Send button.

Table of role names you can @ mention in Wrike

Role Name

Current Resource

Responsibility Scope

Graphic Design Coordinator (+Tools Coordinator)

Yumi Suh

Assigns Graphic designers for Tools, Assigns Downloadables Graphic Designers designers

Art and Animation Supervisor (+Motion Design Coordinator, Illustration Coordinator)

Steve Bayne

Assigns Illustrators, Art Director, Creative Director, Motion Designer

Creative Director

Danielle Barnett

Collaborates with course developers to set the creative vision and scope for projects, and conducts final course reviews

Art Director

Ana Juan-Gomez

Conducts creative reviews for course assets to ensures style guide compliance

Video Manager

Rachael Lambertson

Allocates video producers, editors, & studio schedule

QA Manager

Karen Shepherd

Assigns CE & QA resources

ITG Manager

Ted Blanchard

Allocates instructional technology resources

BugHerd Admin

Jason Carroll

Creates/configures BugHerd projects, and manages user access

SE Review Coordinator

Jackie Schwabe

Facilitators for SE Review

Wrike Admin

Casey Shew

Manages Wrike structures, permissions, blueprints/templates, request forms, and other functionality

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