Table of Contents

3. Animation - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Animation" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Illustrator Kickoff Meeting (1st Course)

Basic Task Description

ID sets a meeting with the Art Director if this is a new course, providing an opportunity for initial feedback and Q/A

Workflow Guidelines

ID Manages this task:

  1. ID: Intro of the course, main themes and ideas 
  2. ID explains themes that carry through that would help inform the artboard design 
  3. AD brings project plan meeting notes to meeting to communicate goals and decisions 
  4. AD reviews initial scope of illustration and motion in Content Outline Event
  5. ID marks done after meeting is complete.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Ana Juan-Gomez

Who Defines Dates?

  • ID schedules with AD

Common Mistakes/Confusion

This meeting should occur before Collab Doc Finalization.

2. Artboard Collab Doc Prep

Basic Task Description

  • IDA fills out the information on the collab doc and adds links.
  • Transcripts are added as soon as they become available in 3Play (generally in 2-4 days after processing)

Workflow Guidelines

ID Manages this task:

  1. ID tags IDA 
  2. IDA
    1. Creates the artboard collab doc 
    2. Marks the task Done
    3. Proceeds to identify Main Learning Points task
    4. IDA/ID marks as done

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Video > Review Studio Videos t is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated
  • IDA can get a jump on preparing this document earlier in the process by filling out all the fields except for the transcripts
  • Transcript availability is driven by 3Play

Common Mistakes/Confusion

ID/IDA need to keep an eye on 3Play. They do not notify us when transcripts are available.

3a. Identify Main Learning Points/Animations Areas/Design Requests

Basic Task Description

  • ID highlights learning points
  • ID writes animation notes/design requests  using margin comments
  • ID shares with IDD for justification review

Workflow Guidelines

ID/IDA Manages this task:

  1. Marks task To Do
  2. Ensures ID is assigned
  3. Tags ID in comments to let them know the collab doc is ready and they can begin.
  4. ID:
    1. Marks task In progress
    2. Keeps statuses up-to-date
    3. Reaches out to the Art Director to set collab meeting
    4. Marks task done when complete

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: Video > REview Studio Videos t is complete.
  • If faculty are reading off a teleprompter script, the ID can identify these points before the transcripts come from 3Play.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Sometimes an image should appear in both the animations and a tool. In these cases, it’s not always clear who creates the graphic…is it the animator or the graphic designer? It might be helpful if GD attended the collab meeting.

3b. Collab Document Finalization Meeting

Basic Task Description

Meeting set up by the Art Director to discuss the Collab Doc before design work begins.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID:
    1. Marks task as To Do
    2. Tags Art Director with estimated time when collab doc will be ready
    3. Provides link to artboard collab
    4. Asks Art Director to schedule tentative meeting
    5. When artboard collab doc notes complete, ID tags Art Director again notifying of status and ensures meeting is scheduled or canceled if not needed
  2. AD:
    1. Flags any elements needing attention prior to illustration
    2. Determines workload level (small, medium, large) and identifies aspects impacting motion cycle.
    3. Art Director marks Done when meeting complete and proceeds to Assign CSG Illustrator task

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Art Director

Who Defines Dates?


Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • Collab meetings strongly suggested for first course in a series, thereafter are recommended but can be skipped if ID/AD agree it is not needed.
  • If it is not needed mark task NA and remove all dates if it is to be skipped.

4. Assign CSG Illustrator

Basic Task Description

The Creative Manager (Steve Bayne or Jason Morisette) allocates an Illustrator

Workflow Guidelines

ID manages this task:

  1. ID tags the Creative Manager assigned (Steve Bayne or Jason Morisette) to give them a heads up that this work is coming
  2. Creative Manager identifies illustrator and assigns to the course
  3. Creative Manager tags ID in comments that illustrator is assigned
  4. Creative Manager marks the task Done

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Steve Bayne and Jason Morisette

Who Defines Dates?

  1. Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Animation > Collab Document Finalization is complete.
  2. Creative Manager reviews expected collab/artboard creation dates and tags ID to discuss any resourcing concerns.
  3. Changing dates to be discussed between Creative Manager and ID

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Usually, Motion Designers are not assigned at this point in production, only Illustrators. Motion Designers are added after Artboards are approved.

5a. Create Artboards V1

Basic Task Description

Illustrator creates art based on ID comments

Workflow Guidelines


  1. Marks task as To Do
  2. Schedules optional hand off meeting with illustrator. Art Director is optional


  1. Mark the task as In Progress
  2. Keeps statuses and dates up-to-date 
  3. Illustrator marks Done when complete
  4. Proceeds to Artboard Review and Revise task

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Illustrator, ID

Who Defines Dates?


Common Mistakes/Confusion

The Ready for Review status should NOT be used for this task; if it is selected, it will automatically change to “Done” with a message that this task does not use Ready for Review.

5b. Artboards Creative Review & Revise

Basic Task Description

Art Director reviews illustrations for style guide adherence and accessibility concerns, noting any necessary revisions.

Workflow Guidelines

  • Illustrator sets task to Initial Review when the previous task (Artboards AD Review) is complete.
  • AD reviews artboards, making revision notes in Frame, and then sets the task status to Changes Needed and tags the Illustrator.
  • The Art Director will mark this as done when the iterative revision cycle is complete.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Illustrator, Ana Juan-Gomez

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • This task is active at the same time as the 5b (Artboard Instructional Review).
  • This task is managed by Illustrator and AD.

5b. Artboards Instructional Review & Revise

Basic Task Description

  1. ID reviews artboards and may also ask faculty to review them
  2. Karen Shephard completes QA review
  3. Illustrator makes any necessary revisions to artboards
  4. If revisions were needed, use this task to track the revision process. Task is Done when all the artboards are approved and motion design can begin.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Illustrator sets task to Initial Review when the task Create Artboards V1 is complete and tags the ID.
  2. ID reviews artboards,making revision notes in Frame, and then sets the task status to Changes Needed and tags the Illustrator.
  3. Illustrator makes/addresses the changes, and then sets the task status to Changes in Review and tags the ID.
  4. ID and AD review artboards with changes; if more are needed, return to Step 2. If no more changes are needed, ID sets task status to Done. If revisions were needed - above process is repeated until approval is achieved.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Illustrator, ID

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • This task is active at the same time as the 5b (Creative Review)
  • This task is managed by Illustrator and ID.

5c. Assign CSG Motion Designer

Basic Task Description

Creative Manager (Steve Bayne or Jason Morisette) assigns a Motion Designer to the project once the Artboards are approved.

Workflow Guidelines

Creative Manager manages this task:

  1. Creative Manager marks the task “in progress”
  2. Assigns Motion Designer
  3. Shares necessary links and information with Motion Designer in Slack
  4. Tags the ID with who is assigned to the project
  5. Marks the task Done

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Steve Bayne, Jason Morrisette

Who Defines Dates?


6a. Motion Design V1

Basic Task Description

The motion designer (MD) schedules hand off with the illustrator to review artboards and collab doc before beginning V1s, downloads approved videos and artboards, adds motion, then uploads V1s to FrameIO for review.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID initiates by marking “to-do” on task.
  2. Creative Manager changes the task to “In Progress” when work begins
  3. Illustrator & MD schedule a handoff meeting to review artboard collab doc and artboards
  4. MD downloads course videos and artboards, creates After Effects project
  5. Following the artboard collab doc, MD animates artboards to videos, using their judgment on best ways to animate targeted learning goals
  6. MD uploads completed V1s to FrameIO and marks them “Needs Review.” 
  7. Creative Manager creates a review link they share with AD and ID
  8. Creative Manager marks status as Done after all v1s are complete

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Steve Bayne, Jason Morisette in Wrike for status updates.
  • Motion Designer in Slack for ETA on completed V1s

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Standard 7 day turn-around includes 2 days for hand-off and coordination and 5 days for V1s, which is an average. Various factors such as level of animation, number of videos requiring animation, and current workload volume can affect this turn-around time. When assigned, the motion vendor will estimate if they can meet V1 due date based on their review of the artboards, artboard collab doc, and their current volume of work.

The Ready for Review status should NOT be used for this task; if it is selected, it will automatically change to “Done” with a message that this task does not use Ready for Review.

6b. Motion Design Review and Revise

Basic Task Description

The Creative Manager (CM) and ID review completed V1s, noting revisions for illustrator or motion designer (MD) to complete. Additional rounds of review/revisions continue until approved by CM and ID.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID sets task to In Progress when the previous task (Motion Design V1) is complete.
  2. The ID and Creative Manager review video V1s, making revision notes in FrameIO, and then sets the task status to Changes Needed and inform Motion Designer for revisions in Slack.
  3. MD makes/addresses the changes, uploads them to FrameIO, and then informs ID for review in Slack.
  4. ID reviews artboards with changes; if more are needed, return to Step 2. If no more changes are needed, ID sets task status to Done.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Creative Manager for status updates.
  • Motion Designer in Slack for ETA on revisions.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • The ID will use FRAME.IO to provide revision notes.
  • Please do NOT use the Collab Doc for motion revision notes.

7a. Faculty Animations Review

Basic Task Description

Faculty reviews AD & ID approved videos, noting any suggested revisions. ID will review faculty’s notes and provide further instruction to the illustrator or motion designer.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID initiates task by informing faculty the videos are ready for review
  2. Faculty reviews videos, making notes on FrameIO of any revision suggestions
  3. ID reviews faculty notes, adding clarification and direction for the MD
  4. ID marks Done.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

ID for status updates.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • The ID will use FRAME.IO to provide revision notes.
  • Please do NOT use the Collab Doc for motion revision notes.

7b. Faculty Animations Revisions

Basic Task Description

ID will inform Motion Designer (MD) that faculty revisions are needed. MD will complete revisions. Additional rounds of review/revisions continue until approved by ID and faculty.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID initiates task by informing Motion Designer faculty revisions are ready
  2. MD completes revisions and uploads them to FrameIO
  3. Cycle continues until all videos are approved by ID and faculty
  4. ID marks Done

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Creative Manager for status updates.
  • Motion Designer for ETA on faculty revisions.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • The ID will use FRAME.IO to provide revision notes.
  • Please do NOT use the Collab Doc for motion revision notes.
  • If it is not needed mark task NA and remove all dates if it is to be skipped.

8a. Upload Final Animated Videos to Box

Basic Task Description

Motion designer (MD) uploads final animated videos to box.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID initiates task by informing MD when all videos are approved
  2. Creative Manager shares Wrike link to this task with MD in Slack
  3. MD uploads final animated videos and project files to Box, and alerts Creative Manager and ID when complete
  4. Creative Manager marks Done

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Creative Manager for status updates.
  • Motion Designer for ETA on completed task.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

The Motion Designer can only upload Final Videos to Box, they do not have access to Kaltura. The video team will handle replacing source videos on Kaltura and add thumbnails in the next task.

8b. Source Replace and Add Thumbnail

Basic Task Description

Video team replaces source videos on Kaltura and adds thumbnails.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The Creative Manager initiates task by assigning video team member when final animated videos are uploaded to Box
  2. Video team replaces source videos with final animated videos
  3. Video team adds thumbnails of the first frame of videos
  4. Video team marks Done

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Assigned video team member for status updates.

How did we do?

2. Artboard Collab Doc Prep
