Monthly Scheduling

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Monthly Scheduling

About 10 days before the end of each month, eCornell will send out the facilitator assignment offers for the following month. These offers also may include other types of assignments, such as shadowing another facilitator, learning a new course, or conducting a Student Experience review of a new course. Please visit this article for step-by-step directions on how to accept your offers in Ursus if you need a refresher.

Below is a graphic outlining the Monthly scheduling process:

Facilitation assignments are compensated on a per-section basis. It's a standardized compensation based on course type, duration, and estimated effort. Longer courses, or courses with more complexity or additional components have proportionally adjusted rate.


  • Please review each offer for the details of each assignment.
  • Final rate adjustments due to changes in student class size will take place at the end of each month (usually the final Wednesday of the month). A revised offer will be sent to your email which will reflect the adjusted pay, and you will need to accept the offer in Ursus. 
  • Additional activities expected as part of your appointment include:
    • Annual Cornell/eCornell institution training (e.g. IT Security or HR related) 
    • Periodic eCornell training related to role as facilitator
    • Periodic meetings with supervisor
    • Regularly monitoring email
    • Regularly reviewing course survey feedback via Tableau

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