Table of Contents

2. Video (Multi-Feed) - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Video (Multi-Feed)" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Prepare Talking Points

Basic Task Description

Creating the slide deck template is an IDA task within the Course Setup task. This “Prepare Talking Points”  task is to track when the faculty is drafting their content in the slide deck.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID manages this iterative task.
  2. The ID sends the slide deck template to the faculty.
  3. The ID reviews the faculty’s talking points to ensure the key points from the outline are addressed and that they seem to align with the <5 min guidelines
  4. The ID marks the task Done when talking points are clear and faculty approved.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • IDD on approach with faculty
  • Video team on slide deck template
  • Video team for consultation on how multi-feed works, what options best for your particular design/needs

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Non-Video Assets > Assets - Faculty Add Content is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Talking Points vs. Multi-feed Slides

  • Generally, talking points are the slides faculty will see in the teleprompter. They are used to guide the faculty’s presentation
  • Multi-feed slides are the slides that will be captured that the faculty wants to embed with the finished video
  • Not every multi-feed slide uses both, many do not. Consult with the IDD and video team about how to approach the

2. Create Multi-Feed Slides

Basic Task Description

Faculty works on the slides that will be captured in the MF process for inclusion in their videos.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID manages this task.
  2. The ID provides the approved Creative template for MF slides
  3. The faculty enters information
  4. The ID reviews the slides to ensure they make sense, address the intended points of the video (see the course outline), and are appropriate for online learning.
  5. The ID marks the task Done when the content is clear and is faculty-approved

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • IDD on what is appropriate content and development process
  • Art Director on latest approved slide deck template

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Prepare Talking Points task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Talking Points vs. Multi-feed Slides

  • Generally, talking points are the slides faculty will see in the teleprompter. They are used to guide the faculty’s presentation
  • Multi-feed slides are the slides that will be captured that the faculty wants to embed with the finished video
  • Not every multi-feed slide uses both, many do not. Consult with the IDD and video team about how to approach the content and what may be needed.

3. Edit/Clean-up Slides (Non-STEM)

Basic Task Description

ID and GD work together to ensure MF slides have the right look and feel for eC styles and video/online learning

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID facilitates the task.
  2. ID marks the task To Do and tags GD Coordinator to assign to a GDGD Coordinator reassigns to a GD
  3. GD reviews/revises the slides as needed
  4. GD sets the status as Ready for Review and tags the ID that the slides are ready
  5. ID reviews revised slides. If needed, consults with faculty on changes.
  6. ID and GD work together to complete any revisions
  7. ID marks the task Done when the ID has “approved” the slides (and if necessary, has obtained faculty approval).

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

IDD on process or if there are questions about faculty expectations vs. eC styles

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Create Multi-Feed Slides task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

3. Edit/Clean-up Slides (STEM)

Basic Task Description

The technical lead reviews the MF slides for technical accuracy.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID initiates the task by:
    1. Updating the assignee with the correct TL
    2. Marking the task To Do
    3. Tagging the TL in comments to get the review started
  2. TL reviews the slides for technical accuracy
  3. Depending on TL involvement with project to-date, the TL and/or ID will discuss any concerns with the faculty
  4. TL finalizes slides (incorporating ID and faculty feedback)
  5. TL marks the task Done and notifies ID via tag in comments.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

ID or Tech Lead (depending on the question)

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Create Multi-Feed Slides task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID and TL keeps dates and statuses updated
  • Date extensions must be agreed upon between ID and TL (Tech Lead)

4. Multi-Feed Creative Review

Basic Task Description

The art director completes a Creative Review of all student-facing content (e.g., multi-feed slides or content to be shown via software demonstrations such as Excel spreadsheets or Forms)

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID initiates the task by:
    1. Updating the assignee with the AD username
    2. Marking the task To Do
    3. Tagging the AD in comments to get the review started
  2. AD reviews the content
  3. AD makes note of any specific concerns that may require faculty consultation and tags ID
  4. AD finalizes slides (incorporating ID and faculty feedback)
  5. AD marks the task Done and notifies ID via tag in comments.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Creative Director

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Edit Multi-Feed Slides tasks (STEM and NON STEM) are complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessors)
  • ID and AD keeps dates and statuses updated
  • Date extensions must be agreed upon between ID and AD

5. QA Slides

Basic Task Description

QA copy edits student-facing video content (e.g., MF slides or content to be shown via software demonstrations such as Excel spreadsheets or forms)

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID initiates the task by:
    1. Change status to To Do
    2. Add Karen Shepherd to the task and tag her in task requesting QA resource
    3. Karen Shepherd updates assignee and tags assigned personnel
    4. QA resource completes c/e  and tags ID if there are questions
    5. QA resource updates task to Done and tags ID to notify them of completion

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Mult-Feed Creative Review task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessors)
  • ID and QA keeps dates and statuses updated
    • Date extensions must be agreed upon between ID and QA

5. Review Slides

Basic Task Description

  • ID does a close read of the slides/script and then schedules time for the faculty to run through the deck “live” via zoom. This is done well before recording to provide time for revisions if needed.
  • This task could be considered a “dress rehearsal” and  enables the ID to confirm again that the intended points are covered, to review what the faculty intends to say, ensure the faculty is prepared to focus on “instructional content” only and use appropriate references and examples. It also enables faculty to have a true “run through” to ensure their content and plans are as focused as intended and within the <4 mins goal (and to talk through edits if needed before recording).

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID schedules 2-3 sessions with faculty
  2. Ideally the faculty runs through all of the videos as if recording them
  3. Change status to “In Progress” once the sessions are scheduled.
  4. Recommended - note the scheduled sessions in the task description once they are known
  5. The due date will be when the last session occurs.
  6. The task is complete when the last review session is complete and slides finalized (ready to share with video)

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Mult-Feed Creative Review task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessors)
  • The due date is the last scheduled session with the faculty
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

Common Mistakes/Confusion

This is not technically required, but the recording session will flow much easier and the final “output” will be of higher quality if it is done.

6. Conduct Practice Shoot (if needed)

Basic Task Description

  • Studio is scheduled before the first official shoot takes place to give faculty opportunity to practice the multifeed capture process.
  • The VP will give tour of studio and overview of process, and the faculty will practice the video/MF process

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID schedules time for faculty in the studio, approximately 60-90 minutes
  2. The task is marked Planned until the date of the session and then marked Completed when the session is complete.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video Production Manager

Who Defines Dates?

  • The initial date is set with a predecessor of Review Slides, BUT, it can be scheduled earlier.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessors)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

Common Mistakes/Confusion

If practice session is needed before the Review Slides task is completed (and this is ok), ensure the faculty has 1-2 video clips prepared to ensure they can really test the video process. Their experience in the video practice session can inform their final edits and plans for how they will present.

7. Conduct Video Shoot/s

Basic Task Description

Video content for course is captured using multifeed studio setup

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID enters the date of the session as the start/due dates
  2. The task is marked Planned until the date of the session and then marked Completed when the session is complete.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video producer allocated to the shoot

8a. Editor Collab Meeting

Basic Task Description

ID/IDA and allocated editor meet to discuss details of edits and establish workflow

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID and editor have discussion to go over any specific workflows and collaborate on V1 videos

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video producer allocated to the shoot

Basic Task Description

ID requests course logo after artboards approved

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID:
    1. Ensures illustrator is assigned
    2. Checks dates
    3. Marks status as To Do
    4. @Mentions illustrator and describes specific request 
  2. Illustrator marks task In Progress
  3. Illustrator marks task ready for review when ready
  4. Illustrator tags ID in comments indicating icon ready for review
  5. ID:
    1. Reviews icon
    2. If approved, marks complete and confirms with illustrator via comments
    3. If changes needed:
      1. Set status to To Do
      2. Tag illustrator and explain change request in comments\
      3. Illustrator marks ready review,
      4. Etc until approved.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

Date can be reset manually (remove any predecessors)

8b. Multi-Feed Video Processing (V1 Cut)

Basic Task Description

Editor creates and uploads first version of content for ID/faculty review, including multicam cuts

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Videos are uploaded to Kaltura and FrameIO. CPT is updated with generated Kaltura IDs. 
  2. Editor tags ID in task with included FrameIO link for review
  3. VP/Editor - Marks the task Done when complete

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video editor allocated to the project

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Conduct Video Shoot/s task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Link for the FrameIO review playlist will be posted in the Wrike task by editor

9a. Review V1 and Add Notes in FrameIO

Basic Task Description

ID makes notes in FrameIO for revision to be made by assigned editor

Workflow Guidelines

  1. VP marks task to do, assigns it to ID, and notifies the ID with an @Mention in the task comments that it is ready.
  2. ID marks the task In Progress once they start
  3. Marks task Done when all videos have been reviewed and transitions to task 9b. Multi-feed Editor Revisions

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Video editor allocated to the project
  • ID lead on project

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Multi-Feed Video Processing task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

9b. Multi-Feed Editor Revisions

Basic Task Description

Editor completes any revisions indicated by the ID for content videos

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID marks task To Do, assigns Editor, and tags the editor with an @Mention in the task comments.
  2. Editor proceeds to task "9c. Multi-Feed Review/Approve"

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video editor allocated to the project

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Multi-Feed Video Processing task is complete.
  • ID / Editor can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • Editor keeps dates and statuses up-to-date

9c. Multi-Feed Review/Approve

Basic Task Description

This is the final iterative process to finalize the videos. Editor and ID use To Do and Ready for Review statuses plus careful use of @ mention.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Editor adds ID as an assignee, sets the task status to To Do, and hands off the task to the ID with an @ mention.
  2. ID and Editor hand the task back and forth with status updates and @ mentions in task comments.
  3. Task is Done when ID (and faculty as needed) approve all videos.

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Multi-Feed Editor Revisions task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID and Editor work together to keep dates and statuses up-to-date

9d. Upload Final Videos to Box

Basic Task Description

Editor uploads all final versions of completed videos to Box

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID marks task To Do, assigns editor, and tags the editor via @ mention in Comments.
  2. Editor marks the task In Progress and then Done when complete
  3. Editor proceeds to task 9e. Source Replace and Add Thumbnails

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Media management video producer 

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Multi-Feed Review/Approve task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID and Editor work together to keep dates and statuses up-to-date

9e. Source Replace and Add Thumbnails

Basic Task Description

Video producer source replaces final versions of videos in Kaltura and places standard thumbnail on videos

Workflow Guidelines

Editor marks task To Do, assigns VP, and tags the VP  via @ mention in Comments.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Media management video producer 
  • Video production supervisor  if there are questions

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when the Upload Final Videos to Box task is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID and Editor work together to keep dates and statuses up-to-date

How did we do?

The Multi-Feed Video Process
