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3. Create -T (Training Course) and Associate With Master Blueprint

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce


Beginning in January 2024, Training course (-T) will be created by the QA team and associated with a Blueprint -M as part of course deployment.

Create the Training Course

  1. Create a course from the Admin menu using the +Course button.
    1. Course name will be ABC123: TRAINING: Course Name
    2. Reference Code will be ABC123
    3. Subaccount will be eCornell
    4. Enrollment Term will be Default Term
  2. Use the link in the pop-up window (below) to go to the new course, or search for it from admin view.
  1. From Settings, adjust the following items:
    1. SISID will be ABC123-T
    2. Participation will be Course
    3. Other items will be manually made to match the -M course

Associate the Training Course With the Blueprint Master

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the Associating Courses With the Blueprint Course section of the Canvas Blueprint Course Functionality article to associate the -T with the Blueprint -M.
    1. Be sure to check Publish upon association in step 7.
If the training course cannot be found to associate with the blueprint master, check that the subaccounts in both courses match. If the blueprint course's subaccount is "Manually-Created Courses," swap the blueprint course's subaccount to the appropriate subaccount (likely eCornell for most short courses).

Check Your Work

Refresh the training course in a new tab to see that it is now populated with content.

If the training course is not automatically populated with content after associating it, you can make a small update to the -M course (for instance, adding a space on the homepage) and then sync the changes manually.

How did we do?

Replace a Master -M With a Redux Version of the Course

Canvas Blueprint Course Functionality
