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Setting Up the Class Fork

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

NOTE: For more information about the Codio LTI course copy features, click this link to the Codio documentation.


Follow this process whenever a course with Codio units is through QA and being finalized for Master version.

Make sure this is done before the first section of the course copies.

The class fork will always be set up on the main instance of the course, typically the class ending in "-M" (i.e. "CIS525-M").
  1. Inside the LTI/LMS area under the Admin section of the left nav of the Dev/QA Source course in Codio, Toggle “ENABLE LTI COURSE COPY” to ON if not already enabled, but don't click “SAVE” yet.
  1. Copy the identifiers from the LTI toggle in Codio. In another browser window or tab, open the Settings of the QA course in Canvas. Paste the LTI constant URL and LTI course copy identifiers into the Codio App Config from the -M Canvas course, and hit “Submit”
    1. See the recorded GIF below to navigate to the Codio App Config in Canvas Settings.
    2. “LTI constant URLs enabled”: codio_course_target_id  (OR verify that the current value is the same as the value in Codio) AND “LTI course copy enabled”: codio_parent_course_id should both match between Codio's Admin Settings AND the Canvas Codio App Config screen. Click SAVE at the bottom of the config window to save your changes.
  2. When forking Codio for the Master Course (appending -M to a course code), ensure that the SIS ID in Canvas "Course Details" includes the "-M" suffix. If it's missing, add it and save the settings.
As you can see in the above screenshot, the SIS ID has _ALPHA but not "-M" like it needs when we are creating the final Master course. You would need to add "-M" to the end of the SIS ID here to make it "CEEM585-M."
  1. Open any unit in the course in Canvas and the Codio course will fork.
    1. This might sound like magic, but now that you have copied the SIS ID, Codio just needs any exercise to be opened for it to generate the new fork instance.
  2. Rename the new Codio by replacing the title after the code with "Master-Source"; cut and paste the title into the "DESCRIPTION" field
    Changing the name of the Master-Source course
  3. Archive the Dev/QA Source
  4. Open the new "Master-Source" in Codio and make sure that the LTI app variables values in the Canvas -M course (Settings>Apps>View App Configurations>Codio>Edit) match the values in the Codio "Master-Source" course. If they don't, copy the values from Codio to Canvas for the following variables:
    1. codio_course_target_id
    2. codio_parent_course_id
  5. Test that it was successful by copying the -M Canvas course to make sure the fork is working correctly:
    1. “Copy Course” from Settings
    2. Change the Name and Code (“FORK TEST”)
    3. After the copy is complete, add SIS ID (“+FORKTEST”)
    4. Open a Codio module to make sure a new Codio course was created
    5. Delete the Canvas and Codio Fork Test courses

Process for Cornell Canvas Courses if an SIS ID Does Not Get Created

For combined courses like the ENGMT 5930, which has Codio units from the CIS550s series, sometimes when a course is copied the fork is not created because an SIS ID has not been assigned, and in Cornell Canvas SIS IDs are automatically generated and not exposed to course admins. In that case, you need to manually change the codio_course_target_id value in the Codio App Configurations to something unique.

For example: "371045_2020SU_1_1_1" --> "371045_2021SU_1_1_1"

Open a Codio unit from the Canvas course and confirm that a new Codio course has been created, and the Codio units in the Canvas course are now all pointing to that new course.

How did we do?

Embedding a Codio Unit into Canvas

Setting Up the Class Fork (LTI 1.3)
