5. Implement QA Edits

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

After a member the QA team has completed copy edit and QA of the course and files, the Implement QA Edits Wrike task will be completed, usually by the IDA assigned to the course.

To implement QA edits...

  1. ID/As address items in the YYYY Course QA Tracker flagged for ID/A, which appear in purple.
The Course QA Tracker link has a tab for each course, and a link to it can be found in the main QA task in Wrike.
  1. ID/As add documentation/ questions for QA team as needed. Options include:
    1. Insert comment on text in column H.
    2. Add more details in column I.  Include your initials.
    3. Add more details as a new line in column H. Include your initials.
    4. Collaborate with QA in real time via Slack.
  2. ID/As alert the QA team member that QA items have been addressed.
    1. Set “Implement QA Edits” task in Wrike to Ready for Review and assign it to the QA team member you’ve been working with. 
    2. @mention QA team member in “Implement QA Edits” Wrike task.
    3. ID/IDAs leave QA tracker column H marked as “N” for QA to resolve.
    4. QA team member rechecks items in course that were flagged in QA tracker for ID/A.
  3. QA team member rechecks items in course that were flagged in QA tracker for ID/A.
    1. QA team member changes column H to “Y.”
    2. QA team member sets status in “Implement QA Edits” to Done.

When all QA edits have been resolved, QA initiates deployment tasks, including making -M course (or alerting Pete content is ready to be copied into new shell, for for-credit courses) and creating course transcript. 

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