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Copy Edit Captions in 3Play

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce


Beginning April 2023, eC has transitioned to using 3Play to caption videos for courses in development. Find directions on copy editing captions and gaining access to video transcripts below. Instructions to tag a video for 3Play transcription are also available.

Courses that entered development before April 2023 used SubPLY for video captioning, and SRT files were manually uploaded to Kaltura to appear in the course. If you are working with a course that entered development prior to April 2023, please see the Copy Edit Captions on SubPLY and Upload Edited Captions to Kaltura articles.

Create Account

  1. Contact Dom Zerilli and provide your email address to have your account made.
  2. Sign up following the instructions in the invitation email.

Copy Edit Captions in 3Play

Once you have a 3Play account, you can edit and/or download transcripts using the following steps.

Locate a File To Edit in 3Play

  1. Log in to 3Play.
  2. Enter the Video ID (e.g., 1_s0r58qac) or video information (e.g. SHA696_M1_01) into the “Search by Filename or Keyword” bar and click Search to return results (pictured below). 
  1. The transcript is ready to be copy edited if it appears with a green checkmark before “Transcription and Captioning”
  2. A number may appear in the Flags column indicating the number of INAUDIBLEs in the transcript.
  3. If you see a tag in the file you are about to edit, hover over it to see what the tag is.
Files that contain special characters are tagged with DONOTEDIT in 3Play and are manually edited following these instructions. Do not proceed if the tag is DONOTEDIT.
  1. Click the thumbnail or video name to open the overview of the video.
  2. Click Edit to open the editing window.

Edit a File in 3Play

From the editing window, you may perform the following actions:

  1. Click any word without any buttons turned on to jump to that part of the video. 3Play will highlight the first word of the slate that appears under the video in the transcript to help orient you. 
  2. Edit Word: Click edit word, then select the word you need to correct, and make the needed changes. Words you edited will appear in green.
  3. Delete Word: Click delete word, then select the word you need to delete, and delete it. Words you deleted will appear with a green strikeout. Click the word again with the Delete Word button applied to undelete it, if needed.
  4. Bold, Italicize, Underline: Click on the B, I, or U buttons, and then select the word you’d like to bold, italicize, or underline.
  5. Edit Paragraph: Use edit paragraph to start a new paragraph or to collapse existing paragraphs into a single paragraph. Click the Edit Paragraph button, and then select the first word of an existing paragraph to combine it into the prior paragraph; select a word in an existing paragraph to break that paragraph into two. Beginning May 2024, this feature will drive paragraph breaks in the course transcript maker.
  6. Timestamps: If timestamps are appearing, you can remove them by clicking Timestamps and then select Do Not Show Timestamps. Click OK to apply this change.
  7. Show Blanks: Click the Show Blanks button to show the blank text cells. These are not actionable. 
  8. Save Changes: Click the Save Changes button to apply the edits you’ve made. Note that once you click Save Changes, these edits become permanent and cannot be undone. A green “changes saved” message will appear, which also reminds you to finalize the file to update the captions that appear in the video.
  9. Finalize File: Click the Finalize File button to sync your changes to Kaltura. You can close the “Success!” pop-up that appears. 
  10. Find and Replace: Under the transcript, you can find a word or phrase and replace it with another. 
  11. Playback Rate: Adjust the playback rate under the video, if you’d like to hear it faster or slower than 1x speed. 
  12. Expiring Edit Link: This button provides you with a link to edit the video captions that expires after an amount of time. This is useful if someone without a 3Play account needs to edit the captions. 

When you are done copy editing the transcript file, save, finalize, and close the editing window. 

Edit Files That Contain Special Characters

Note that special characters — including M-dashes, accent marks, foreign characters, etc. — are not supported in 3Play. Make standard copy edits to the file in 3Play using the steps above and save the file, but do not finalize it. Then, apply the DONOTEDIT tag before leaving 3Play to finalize the special characters. Edits related to special characters must be made in the caption that is stored in Kaltura following these instructions.

 If you are working with a transcript that contains special characters, do not click Finalize File in 3Play after you sync your edited file, as this could overwrite a caption that was manually edited to contain special characters in Kaltura.
Apply the DONOTEDIT tag

Before leaving 3Play, apply the DONOTEDIT tag to the video you’ve copy edited if it contains special characters by taking the following steps: 

  1. From the My Files area of 3Play, search for and locate the video you’ve just copy edited.
  2. Check the box to the left of the file to select it.
  3. Click the Tag button with the file selected.
  4. Select the DONOTEDIT tag, and click Update.

Adding this tag will alert others working to edit transcripts that the final transcript file is stored in Kaltura and not to click Finalize File from 3Play. 

Download Transcripts From 3Play

Use the following steps when you need video transcripts from 3Play.

Select Transcripts
  1. From the 3Play main page, Go to “My Files” along the top menu bar.
  2. In the list of available captions, search for your course code. Ex. LSM723
  3. In the results list, select any (or all) that you want to download, then click the “Download” button.
Cue Download
  1. In the window that appears, click over to the “All Formats” tab.
  2. Select “Time-Stamped Doc” for the download format.
  3. Give your download cue a title using the options on the right side.
  4. Click “Create Download”

Download .zip
  1. The download you just created will take about a minute to process, then it will appear under the “Completed” tab.
  2. Click on the title to download the .zip file.
View Documents
  1. Open the .zip file to view the transcripts for each video.
  2. The “Time-Stamped Doc” format will look like the below example.


  1. Why should we use the “Time-Stamped Doc” format?
    1. The “Time-Stamped Doc” is a useful format for the Art & Animation team because it includes occasional time stamps. This helps the team find the part of the video noted on the collab faster during the creation and animation of Artboards.
  2. Can we use any other formats?
    1. You may download any of the available formats for other uses, feel free to experiment. But please use the “Time-Stamped Doc” transcripts for the collab doc with the Illustration team.
  3. How many transcripts can we download at a time?
    1. We do not have any limits on how many transcripts we can download at one time, you can cue all the videos in a course at once. More videos may take longer for the .Zip file to process before downloading.
  4. Who can I contact if Dom is not available?
    1. Karen Shepherd and Rachael Lambertson are also able to create accounts for first time users.
  5. I can’t open Microsoft Word Doc files, is there another way to view the transcripts?
    1. Google Docs can also open .doc files. Create a blank document and go to [File > Open] or press [Command + O]. Upload the .doc file to view in Google Docs.
  6. Will we still have access to SubPly?
    1. Yes, our SubPly account will remain active, but it stopped receiving new entries as of April 3, 2023.

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Copy Editing Content in

Tag a Video for Transcription by 3Play
