Table of Contents

1. Codio Units - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Codio Units" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

0. Create Bugherd Project

Basic Task Description

The Tech Lead creates a project in BugHerd and connects it to the DEV course in Canvas for tracking feedback and bugs

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Task is set to “To Do” by the ID when the Course Shell/Course Set up is complete
  2. Task can simply be transitioned from To Do > In Progress > Done, without the need for a review or setting to Ready for Review
  3. Task can be marked done when the BugHerd project has been created, swimlanes have been configured, participants have been added, and it has been connected to the DEV Canvas course

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Ted Blanchard & Jason Carroll

Who Defines Dates?


Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • If project participants are unfamiliar with BugHerd, make sure to send training materials to them to familiarize themselves. If additional support is needed, you can set up some training time with Jason Carroll
  • Participants that only need to review and comment without follow-up should be added as “Guests”

1. Author V1 Source Content

Basic Task Description

The Technical Writer (generally, the Faculty Author) drafts the Codio exercises, including instructions, source code, solution code, and Guide text.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Task is set to “To Do” by the ID
  2. The Faculty Author, supplementary resource (contractors; TAs; etc.), and any other Technical Writer resources draft the exercises 
  3. The ID keeps track of progress by setting the task status to In Progress, Changes Needed, and then Done

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Ted Blanchard

Who Defines Dates?


Common Mistakes/Confusion

Since the TW is usually a non-Wrike resource, the ID needs to set the status to track both the progress of the task itself, and of their reviews.

2. Finalize Unit Configuration Standards

Basic Task Description

The Tech Lead verifies that the configuration settings in the COdio V1 Units are correct, and match the ITG Codio Configuration and ITG Tech Specs tabs in the Starter_Charter document.

Workflow Guidelines

This is usually a fairly turnkey task, included to make sure the settings are configured correctly in Codio. The Tech Lead should make sure any last configuration questions have been ironed out with the Faculty Author and the ID

Who Defines Dates?

IDD. Tech Lead

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Sometimes it’s unclear how this relates to the development of the V1 content: this is a check-stage task to ensure proper configuration

2. Review and Revise Source Content

Basic Task Description

The Tech Lead reviews the finalized V1 Source Content drafts as produced by the Faculty Author & ID, and makes any changes/fixes suggestions required before the Development task using the Iterative Workflow.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Tech Lead reviews the source content (usually in documents on Google drive – docs, Jupyter Notebooks, code files – but sometimes directly in Codio) and requests changes if necessary; then sets it to Changes Needed and assigns to the ID
  2. The ID coordinates any responses or sign-offs necessary from the Faculty Author, then sets back to Changes in Review  and re-assigns to Tech Lea
  3. Tech Lead reviews the documents with changes; if more are needed, return to Step 2. If no more changes are needed, Tech Lead sets task status to Done.

Who Defines Dates?


3. Develop V1 Codio Units

Basic Task Description

The Tech Developer (if separate from the Tech Lead) in consultation with the Tech Lead, develops the V1 Codio Units according to the Unit Standards and Source Content produced in the preceding tasks

Workflow Guidelines

Tech Developer (or Tech Lead acting as Developer) creates the Codio units and sets task to Done when they are complete.

Who Defines Dates?

IDD, Tech Lead

Common Mistakes/Confusion

The timing on this task can vary widely depending on content and Codio design

4. Review and Revise Codio Units

Basic Task Description

The Tech Developer, ID and Tech Writer/FA go through the cycle of reviews and revisions on the Codio units using the Iterative Workflow.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Tech Developer sets task to Initial Review when the previous task (Develop V1 Codio Units) is complete and assigns task to ID.
  2. ID reviews completed Codio units, seeking input from the FA/Tech Writer if necessary and tracking issues in BugHerd, and then sets the task status to Changes Needed and re-assigns the task back to Tech Developer.
  3. Tech Developer fixes/addresses the changes and bugs, and then sets the task status to Changes in Review and re-assigns the task back to ID.
  4. ID reviews the Codio units with changes; if more are needed, return to Step 2. If no more changes are needed, ID sets task status to Done.

Who Defines Dates?

IDD, Tech Lead

Common Mistakes/Confusion

The timing on this task can vary widely depending on content and Codio design, and on how many rounds of review and changes/fixes are needed

How did we do?

3. Finalize Unit Configuration Standards
