ID/A to Creative Team Handoff Steps

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

ID/A to Creative Team Handoff Steps

Below is a list of steps outlining the ID/A to Creative team handoff. Follow these when all the course tools and downloadable assets are ready for Creative styling. 

Part One: Google Drive
  1. If you haven’t already, create a subfolder in the 3 Non-Video Course Content folder, and title it:
    “ABC101 (Course Code) Creative”       

    For example: CEEM571 Creative

Note: This folder is in the shared ABC folder template for your reference

  1. Use the share settings for the  “ABC101 Creative” folder, and grant permission to edit to “Anyone who has the link can access. No sign in required”
    Link sharing screenshot
  2. Add your faculty-approved documents to “ABC101 Creative” folder
    To do this:  Use the Shift-Z shortcut to add files to the folder. 

Note: Shift-z allows you to add a file to another folder without moving the original, that way, if you have changes, you can still edit your original files in the 3 non-video folder. Click this link for more info on the Shift-Z shortcut.

Part Two: Wrike

All downloadables in a course should be in one Wrike task. 

For courses in the current Wrike template, use the Downloading Styling task 

For courses in the new Wrike template (2.0), use the CSG - Downloadable and Interactive Styling task

  1. Add all the pertinent information to the Wrike task description:
  • ID & IDA on the course
  • Important dates (if any)
  • Footer Info 
    • Course Code: Course Name 
    • Sponsoring School info

Note: Please make sure that Product Management and Marketing have signed off on the course title in the 1-sheet. If you aren't sure, ask Sally Berkowitz or Liz Tarshis in Product Management.

  • Number of tools
  • Checklist with tool names
    • The list can be broken up by module or it can be one long list
    Note: please do not link individual google docs to the checklist items
  • One Gdrive link to the whole “ABC101 (Course Code) Creative” folder 

Note: the new Wrike template has placeholders for this information

  1. Set the status to To-do
  2. Assign to Ali Brown (@abrown)
  3. If your project has been designated high priority and needs to be expedited: Comment on ticket and @mention Ali Brown and David Keslick 
  4. When you’re done, it should look like this:
    Task structure screenshot

How did we do?

3. Review And Revise Styled Assets

General Overview of Downloadables Process
