4. Tools

4. Tools - Wrike Task Definitions

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Tools" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

3. Review And Revise Styled Assets

Overview of downloadables process, ID/A to Creative team handoff, links to other related HelpDocs articles.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

ID/A to Creative Team Handoff Steps

ID/A to Creative Team Handoff Steps. Below is a list of steps outlining the ID/A to Creative team handoff. Follow these when all the course tools and downloadable assets are ready for Creative stylin…

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

General Overview of Downloadables Process

This overview document outlines the three main phases of the downloadables process: design and revise, course reviews, and copy edits.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Course Project: Draft and Final

Course Project: Draft and Final

Yumi Suh
Updated by Yumi Suh

Excel Tools: Draft and Final

Excel Tools: Draft and Final.

Yumi Suh
Updated by Yumi Suh
