Table of Contents

BugHerd Basics - Members


Think of Members as your core team, usually comprising of your Devs, PMs, QAs, etc. 

Members can...

  • Do almost everything (except what's listed below)

Members can't...

  • Create new projects.
  • Manage user access (outside of projects they have access to)
  • Manage BugHerd Billing & Account settings.

Bugherd Invite and Chrome Browser Extension

BugHerd is organized into Projects, with a one-to-one relationship between Canvas courses and BH Projects. When you are added to a BugHerd Project as a member, you will receive an automated email message informing you. In this message will be a link and instructions for installing the BugHerd browser extension, which is the main point of access for eCornell BugHerd projects (here is the direct link:

Note: when you install the BugHerd browser extension, it will ask you if you want to restrict its access: do not restrict the extension's access (say, to, since this will prevent BugHerd from functioning properly with the course.

Once you have installed the extension, you’ll be able to see the BugHerd logo in your browser; when you navigate to the course in Canvas, it will appear active (with a green checkmark) and will show the course/Project information when clicked:

Viewing Bugs With BugHerd

Once you have installed the extension, you’ll be able to see the BugHerd logo in your browser, in the lower right corner of the browser window.

  1. Click the logo to expand the toolbar.
  2. Click the Task icon to see existing

When you navigate to the course in Canvas, it will appear active (with a green checkmark) and will show the course/Project information when clicked:

  • Task Details: This is the overall description of the bug, issue or suggestions: free-form text entry.
  • Assignee: this is the person to whom the bug is assigned. You can leave this “unassigned” initially.
  • Severity: you can set this to one of the four options “Critical; Important; Normal; and Minor”) or leave it on “not set” if you’re not sure. 
  • Tags: you can create new tags or use already-existing ones (these will appear if you search for them). If the project owner has established a list of tags, try to stick to these.
  • Attach fIle(s): You can attach files if necessary; i.e., if there is a replacement for a file students need to download from this page.

Logging Bugs

  1. On the BugHerd sidebar, click the plus (+) button.
  2. Click on the website where you want to leave feedback. A new task box appears.
  3. Type your feedback in the box and click Create Task. Your feedback is saved and a pin appears on the webpage.
  4. If you want to edit your feedback, click the pin where you left feedback. The details of the task slide out from the sidebar. 

Add annotations

You can open and add basic annotations to the automatically-created screenshot, like arrows, highlight boxes and callouts.If you have a bug, issue or suggestion that applies overall to the entire course, you can log it directly in the BugHerd project window by clicking the “ADD A NEW TASK” button in the upper right. This issue will have all the areas listed above except for “Add annotations” (since there is no screenshot or direct link). For working in Canvas when you have both an Admin and a Student user in a course, where your Canvas Admin user is the same as your BugHerd user (email/login ID):

  1. Log into Canvas with the Admin user (i.e., the one whose ID is the same as your BugHerd user;)
    1. Use Canvas’ “Act As User” functionality to test as a Student user (yours or someone else’s) and log issues into Beta Video (Screen Record) Feature: Bugherd has implemented a video recording feature to allow for capturing clips of movement or action on screen. This is useful to provide walkthroughs on interactions, animations, and anything else that's difficult-to-describe with written words alone. To use this feature:
  2. Click the video button from the bugherd sidebar.
  3. Agree to the screen sharing permissions, and select which screen you would like to record. You can select a specific window or individual tab from these options.
  4. Bugherd will begin recording, and you can interact with the webpage however you need to. Try to recreate the bug or issue in a way that clearly depicts or demonstrates the issue on screen.
  5. When you're done, hit the stop button from the control panel in the bottom left. Bugherd will proceed with the typical annotation logging window with the same features listed above. Fill out the remaining relevant information, and your recorded screen capture will be included when you click 'Create Task'.
    • Swim Lanes / Statuses: Within BugHerd projects tasks are assorted into different "Swim Lanes" which represent the different task statuses for that specific project.
      • Standard Statuses: Most projects will contain a set of "standard" task statuses (Backlog, To Do, Doing, Done).
      • Custom Statuses: Projects may also contain specified custom statuses for tasks. A common example is a status representing a particular individual's review.
    • Changing Statuses: When a bug/task is created, it will be given the project's default status, which will appear is the leftmost swim lane (usually "Backlog"). To change the status of the task either drag the task from it's current lane to the desired lane. Or, click the task to open the details view, from which you can change the task's status.

      • Archive: Archiving a task will signify that that task/bug has been fully completed, and will now be stored in the separate "Archive" tab.
      • Archived tasks can also be moved back to the project board, but selecting "Move to task board" while hovering over the task in the archive tab. Selecting this will place the task in the original default status ("Backlog" for the above demo project).Clicking the blue "Open Website" button in the upper right corner of the project page may possibly take you to incorrect version of the course. This occasionally happens after the Alpha course is created in Canvas. Please be sure to confirm you are in the correct course if you visit the course from the "Open Website" button.Task DetailsWhen a task in a BugHerd project is clicked, a separate right hand details pane will open (users can also click the expand button to open a full screen details view). Below are the pieces of information that can be found/updated.
        • Status: This, as discussed above, is where the task's current status can be seen and/or changed.
        • Severity: Changing a task/bug's "severity" will change the color of the task within the BugHerd project, as well as the color of the marker from the original page that the bug was reported on. Severity can be set to one of five system based options (Not Set, Minor, Normal, Important, Critical) which will help illustrate the urgency associated with that specific bug.
        • Assignee: This will be the BugHerd member(s) tasked with the bug. Only members who have been added to the project can be assigned.
        • Tags: Tags are a form of meta data that can be applied to all bugs/tasks in a project. Currently we are not using the tagging feature extensively.
        • Due date: Represents the date that the task should be completed by.
        • Attachments: Files from your local computer can be uploaded and attached to individual tasks using the "Attach File" button.
        • Additional Info (User details): This section will show the individual's (who reported the bug) machine details at the time of logging. Such as browser version, hardware details, etc. This will only needed for specific circumstances.
        • Comments: Any member within the project can post a comment on a task in it's details view. @mentions can be used to ensure a notification is sent directly to a team member.
          Tip: Make sure to visit your notification settings in your account's "Settings" tab to ensure your notification preferences are customized as needed.
          • More actions: Here you can copy the direct url link to this task, move the task to another project in the eCornell account, or delete the task all together.
          • Page SS: A screenshot of the original web page that the bug was reported on will be visible while in the details view of the task.
          • Page Link: The link to the original page that the bug was reported on will appear on the task details view.Note: If a Canvas page's title changes during the dev process, the url link to the page will also change. Meaning the page link on the task details view will need to be manually updated to the new Canvas page url.Interacting w/ Guests
            • From within the project, you can also add guests for review within the guests tab/box.
              • Guests will not be able to access the backend of the BugHerd project to get to the swim lanes or collective set of tasks/bugs.
              • But will have access to the course associated with the project, and will be able to log bugs when reviewing the course. All bugs/comments from guests will appear in the separate "Feedback" tab in the project.
                • The dashboard within BugHerd is a new concept introduced to pull together all tasks/bugs that the current user is assigned to, across all projects on the account.
                  • When one of the tasks is clicked in the dashboard, the user will be brought into that task's project, and the task/bug details view will be opened.
                    • In the dashboard, you can click the filter button in the top left to show specific tasks that are assigned to you in the system.
                      • Currently you can filter based off the following criteria:
                        • Project - Search for a specific project(s)
                        • Description - Search task descriptions for a specific word or phrase
                        • Status - Show tasks in a specific status(s)
                        • Severity- Show tasks in a specific severity
                        • Reported by - Show tasks reported by a specific individual
                        • Report date - Show tasks reported within a specific date range
                        • Due date - Show tasks due within a specific date range
                        • Last updated date - Show tasks last updated within a specific date range
                      • In Comments for me you’ll be able to view comments that you’ve been mentioned in and comments on tasks you’re assigned to. You can also search comments using the search field. Users can simply use the search bar in the dashboard and enter their username, and BugHerd will pull up all the comments that were addressed to them.

How did we do?

BugHerd Basics - Guests

BugHerd Admin Usage Processes
