How Do I Edit My Ursus Profile?

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

How Do I Edit My Ursus Profile?

If you'd like to edit your Profile in Ursus, first you'll need to visit with your eCornell email as the username.

Click your name from the upper right-hand corner, and click Profile.

From here, you will be able to update your profile picture, clarify your email address along with NetID and your manager. 

Primary and Alternate Contact Information: Here, please be sure to put both your primary and secondary contacts in case of emergency. You should update your resume at least every 6 months to see if you could qualify for more courses to learn. 

Courses Authorized: You will be be able to view the courses you are currently authorized to facilitate.

Best Practice: Chat with your PFM about your performance and bandwidth to ensure that you are being scheduled for a course load that you can handle. Your PFM will provide your current performance and your bandwidth. When you know you will be busy, always communicate with your PFM to reduce the bandwidth in advance (minimum 2 weeks in advance).

Additional Ursus features:

Blackout Dates: You can request blackout dates so no courses are assigned when you need time off from the Schedule menu in Ursus. Please visit this article for a guide on how to submit blackout dates.

Request New Courses: You can request new courses to learn as a Facilitator from the Course Requests menu in Ursus. Please visit this article for a guide on how to submit course requests

How did we do?

How Do I Access My Offer in Ursus?

How Do I Request Time Off (Blackout Dates)?
