Table of Contents

1. Prep Course for Reviews

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll


In order to ensure quality, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of new courses before they are made available to students. This evaluation typically occurs after the course development phase and before the QA process. It holds significant value as it marks the initial opportunity for our faculty partners to assess the course content in its intended form for student consumption.

Other roles involved in the review phase include IDs, IDAs, IDDs, Creative Director, Student Experience reviewers, etc.

This article pertains to the first step in the review phase, "1. Prep Course for Reviews". This task is particularly important for IDAs. The IDA role is the most hands-on when prepping a course for review. You'll learn what the task means, why it's important, and the general process for completing prepping a course for review.

Three major steps are generally required for this Wrike task to be completed:

  1. Create review sheets
  2. Review/update the course specific style and settings tab in the eCornell Course Style and Settings Guide. If there isn't one, create it now and update it. (See the Creating a Course Style and Settings Guide article for directions.)
  3. Use the ID/A Prep for Review Checklist to ensure course is ready for review

Before you adventure out to prep a course for review, it may be helpful to see how this task is represented in Wrike. Take a look at the following Wrike screenshots.

example: The course development workflow as seen in Wrike (00_Course Development Template 3.0)

example: 1. Prep Course for Reviews task within the Wrike development template

To prep for review, the IDA follows a checklist with items that correspond to the course in Canvas. Using the checklist, the IDA spends most of their time in Canvas, checking for errors and ensuring the correct standards are being followed. Some of the course areas and Items covered in the checklist template:

  • Home page
  • Modules view
  • Module Intro pages
  • Student Lounge discussion
  • Module Wrap-up
  • Discussions
  • Watch pages
  • Projects
  • Ask the Expert pages
  • Global items for all pages in Canvas course
    • Ensure all course and content links work.
    • Check spelling and grammar
    • Follow alt-text procedures
    • Complete the AA Course Overview

Workflow Guidelines in Wrike

  1. ID:
    1. Sets the task To Do
    2. Ensures IDA is assigned
    3. Modifies the task description as needed
    4. Tags IDA to request the course to be prepped
  2. IDA:
    1. Marks the task In Progress
    2. Creates review sheets as requested
    3. Creates a new duplicated tab in the eCornell Course Style and Settings Guide.
    4. Completes any additional prep tasks identified by the the ID
    5. Marks the task Done and tags the ID when the task is complete

The ID/A Prep for Review Checklist

  1. Open the ID/A Prep for Review Checklist template.
DO NOT EDIT THE TEMPLATE! Instead, make a copy of the template using the following steps.
  1. Make a copy of the template. Click File > Make a copy
  2. Add the course code to the Name field, to the left of "ID/A Prep for Review Checklist". In the Folder section, navigate to the course's Review and Revisions subfolder.
  1. Close the template and navigate to the new copied version, now stored in the appropriate course review folder.
  2. Beginning at the top of document, check all items in every row and check corresponding boxes in column A, as task items are completed.
    In column D, add notes and/or issues as needed to the checklist.
  3. Update the task in Wrike after the prep review task is completed.
    1. Change status to 'Ready for Review'
    2. In the Description field, link the completed checklist sheet to the Wrike task.
    3. Tag the ID in the comment field.

How did we do?

5. Review - Wrike Task Definitions

2. Conduct Student Experience Review
