Codio Reference: Checking for Completion Status

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Codio Reference: Checking for Completion Status

In courses that use Codio to provide a coding interface for student practice and assessment, there are several different methods used for grading the student’s responses, and for passing those grades back to the Canvas course. These also interact in various ways with the configuration of Codio being used: specifically, whether Codio itself is used as a coding IDE, or whether it is used to contain and manage another coding environment such as RStudio (for R), OmniDB (for SQL), or Jupyter Notebooks.

In each Codio unit -- whether it is autograded or manually graded (or contains a combination of graded and ungraded exercises) -- the students will need to manually mark themselves Completed when they have finished the unit, either via the “Mark as Completed” option in the Education drop-down menu in the Codio interface, or with the “Mark as Completed” button we have implemented in the unit pages of some courses.

Once the student is marked Completed for a unit, the green checkmark will show up to the left of their name in the Codio Teacher view:

Note that in the second image above, user OD Tester has not been marked Completed, but still has grades and points accruing to that unit; this means that there are autograded exercises in this unit.

How did we do?

Codio Reference: Embedded quiz questions (H5P)

Codio Reference: Manually Graded Exercises
