Recording and Posting a Welcome Video

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Recording and Posting a Welcome Video

You are required to post a Facilitator introduction as a ‘Welcome Video’ to the Student Lounge of each course you facilitate.This message should include a brief introduction of yourself and the course.

You can use the “Recording Live Sessions” instructions found on this page to record your Video on Zoom. We are also including some visual steps below.

Recording a video in Zoom:

First, open a new meeting in Zoom and click "Record":

You'll want to be sure to be "saving to the cloud":

Once you're all done, end the meeting as you normally would. You will receive an email to your Outlook account within a few moments letting you know your meeting is available for view. You will be able to access that recording here:

It should look something like the below image. You'll want to click the title of the video you want to edit:

Once the page has loaded, scroll down and click "Share", followed by "Embed"

Embedding the Video in Canvas

Now, go to your "Student Lounge" Discussion within your course. Once there, we will want to click "Edit"

Once the announcement is open, make sure your cursor is in the text box where you will want your video to end up, for example:

Next, click the the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the formatting tool bar:

Then, click the "Embed" icon, which resembles a cloud:

Finally, paste your code:

You can now save your Student Lounge and the video should remain embedded.

Once you have posted your video, it will be copied forward to you future sections of that same course.  *Please note that if it is your first time facilitating a course, you will need to post your Welcome Video manually for the first time.

How did we do?

​Course Set Up: Getting Ready for Live Sessions

Course Set Up: When can I begin to edit my course?
