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Copy Edit Captions in SubPLY

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

Copy Edit Captions (SRT Files) in SubPLY

SRT files are used to generate on-screen video captions, searchable text for the transcript "widget" in Canvas, and the printable course transcript. Video captions files (SRTs) for courses that entered development prior to April 2023 are edited on SubPLY.

Beginning April 2023, eC has transitioned to using 3Play to caption videos for courses in development. Please see the Copy Edit Captions in 3Play article for that process.

Locate Captions on SubPLY

  1. Sign in to SubPLY.
  2. From your My Account menu, click eCornell under Sites.
  1. Paste the VideoID into the Search bar and click Search.
If the search does not return the video, the video needs to be tagged for transcription on Kaltura.

Edit SRT Files

  1. From the Captions area, click Correct Content.
  2. Use the SubPLY Correction Tool as follows:
    1. Play or pause the video. (You can use the scrub bar below to jump to a specific location in the video, or to move slightly forward or backward.)
    2. Correct the transcription. (You can view the pre-edited version to the right under "Current Version.")
    Remember that SRTs should be edited to meet the writing and editing style guidelines used in our courses. Additionally, editors should check the QA Tracker for any course-specific style guidelines.
    1. Save the edited SRT file by clicking Complete & Publish.
  3. Click Done on the cache refresh warning.

Save SRT Files to Your Computer

  1. You are returned to the eCornell Captions List. Right click Standard SRT and select Save Link As ...
  1. Enter the VideoID into the Save As: bar, and click Save.
The file should save as an SRT file. Be sure to save it somewhere you can easily access it.

Close Out the Wrike Task

In order to close out the Copy Edit Captions Wrike task...

  1. Repeat the above steps for all SRTs you've been assigned.
  2. Compress all SRT files into a single ZIP file and rename the file to include course identifiers.
  3. Upload the .zip file to the corresponding Upload Edited Captions to Kaltura Wrike task, and set the status to To Do. Be sure someone is assigned to the task (it's usually the IDA assigned to the course), and @mention the person assigned that this step is ready for them.
  4. Set the Copy Edit Captions task to Done.

How did we do?

Working With Video Captions That Contain Special Characters

Creating a Course Style and Settings Guide
