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7. QA - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "QA" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Complete Dev to QA Checklist

As of May 2023, there are two tabs in this checklist: one pertaining to short catalog courses, and one pertaining to for-credit courses.

Basic Task Description

ID/IDA completes the steps outlined in the appropriate tab of the DEV to QA Handoff Checklist, which forks the DEV and QA versions of the course and freezes any development so QA can commence. Result is QA-ready course, DEV course to be saved unchanged, and completed course-specific QA Tracker page.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID sets the task to “To Do” when course DEV is complete and QA can begin.
  2. ID/A sets this task to DONE when the DEV to QA Handoff Checklist is complete.
    It does not need to be reviewed.
  3. IDA @mentions Karen Shepherd and marks this task as DONE when spreadsheet is complete.
  4. IDA sets "2. Copy Edit Course and Files" and "4. Conduct Content QA of Course" tasks to "To Do."

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Contact another IDA or the ID you’re working with on this course.

2. Copy Edit Captions

Basic Task Description

Copy editor accesses captions on SubPLY and performs basic copy editing, following AP Style & any course-specific stylistic preferences. Editor downloads edited files in SRT format. Editor does any minimal re-timing needed,  tags videos that need to be wholly re-transcribed in Kaltura and edits them when they’re ready. QA tracker is updated with VideoIDs and any notes, exceptions about SRT files. Result is fully edited SRT files ready to be uploaded to Kaltura.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID/A sets the task to “To Do” when final videos have been uploaded to Kaltura and tagged for transcription.
  2. Set this task to DONE when all subtitle files have been edited on SubPLY, the QA tracker has been updated with any notes or exceptions, and all SRT files have been uploaded as a ZIP to the “3. Upload Edited Captions to Kaltura” task. (It does not need to be reviewed.)
  3. Copy editor marks this task as DONE when SRT files are uploaded as ZIP to “3. Upload Edited Captions to Kaltura” task.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Member of QA team

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • Videos not tagged for transcription at all
  • Video transcript is wrong one for the video
  • Videos tagged for transcription before videos is finalized (i.e., retime beginning to include lower third intro, cut or add content to/from video, etc.)
  • ZIP files not added to next task in workflow
  • Next task in workflow not set to “To Do”

2a. Copy Edit Course [& Files]

Basic Task Description

Copy editor accesses QA version of course on Canvas and performs basic copy editing, following AP Style & any course-specific stylistic preferences. QA tracker is updated with any notes, exceptions are noted and flagged “ID:” for attention. Result is a fully copy edited course on Canvas.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID/A sets the task to “To Do” when “1. Complete Dev to QA Handoff Checklist” is complete .
  2. Set this task to DONE when course has been copy edited and any exceptions noted in the QA tracker. (It does not need to be reviewed.)
  3. Copy editor marks this task as DONE when course is copy edited.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Member of QA team

Common Mistakes/Confusion

How/where to communicate issues between CE/IDA hasn’t always been clear.  (Ex: Is it in QA tracker? If so, via comments, or a whole new column?  In Wrike task?)

2b. Copy Edit [Course &] Files

Basic Task Description

  • Copy editor accesses INDD files from GDrive location and performs basic copy editing, following AP Style & any course-specific stylistic preferences. Exceptions are noted in “4. Final Creative Review and Export” task in Wrike. Result is fully copy edited files, ready for Creative to finalize into PDFs.
  • Copy editor also accesses any additional file types (doc, xls, etc.) and performs basic copy editing, following AP Style & any course-specific stylistic preferences. Result is finalized files that Copy editor/QA uploads to “4. Final Creative Review and Export” Wrike task to be uploaded to S3 with the rest.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID/A sets the task to “To Do” when course files are ready to be copy edited.
  2. Set this task to DONE when all course files have been copy edited and IGD has been notified files are ready to be finalized in the “4. Final Creative Review and Export” Wrike task. (It does not need to be reviewed.)
  3. Copy editor marks this task as DONE when files are copy edited.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Markette, Dayna, Yumi

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • How to handle non-IDD files (process as a whole has always been muddy — who does what when)
  • Who/when uploads to S3 hasn’t always been clear.
  • Google Drive houses final INDD files only: all other file types will migrate to S3 when “final”. INDD files will never migrate to S3.
  • Course footer info isn’t easily available
  • Misc InCopy and GDrive problems
  • Lack of role assigned to uploading final files to S3, to changing course links from GDrive to S3, and verifying final course links.

3. Conduct Content QA of Course

Basic Task Description

QA team member access the QA version of course on Canvas and performs QA. QA tracker is updated with any notes, exceptions are noted and flagged “ID:” for attention. Result is a list of all open issues to be resolved before the course is final.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Copy editor sets the task to “To Do” when “2. Copy Edit Course and Files” is complete. Sometimes, Karen sets the task to To Do in tandem with CE, depending on priorities.
  2. Set this task to DONE when course has been QA’d and any exceptions noted in the QA tracker. (It does not need to be reviewed.)
  3. QA team member marks this task as DONE when course is through QA.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Member of QA team

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • Final files are on S3, but GDrive links in course have not yet been replaced with final file links.
  • This task should probably remain open - or Waiting for Info - until Implement QA Edits is done and file links have been changed to S3.
  • Add checkbox step “Verify final file links”

3. Final Tools Export - S3 Upload

Basic Task Description

Communication about Final Files between CSG, QA, and IDA team members happens here. Additionally, CSG uses this task to track and perform the following tasks:

  • Update InCopy links via InDesign 
  • Update footer information to all downloadables -- course name change, correct school/s, 2021 date
  • Check style/formatting
  • Export revised PDF's
  • Upload final files — including course project document — to S3 and make them public

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Copy editor sets the task to “To Do” when “2. Copy Edit Course and Files” is complete. CE communicates any exceptions via this task as well.
  2. Set this task to DONE when final files have been uploaded to S3 and “5. Implement QA Edits” is set to “To DO” with IDA assigned to swap Google Drive links to S3 links in course. (It does not need to be reviewed.)
  3. CSG team member marks this task as DONE when files are uploaded to S3.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • When to swap links from GDrive to S3 in Canvas course hasn’t been clear.
  • Making files public on S3

4. Implement QA Edits

Basic Task Description

IDA swaps links in Canvas course from GDrive to S3. IDA and ID resolve any additional items flagged for ID attention in QA tracker. Result is a course that is ready to be made into a Master and deployed on Canvas.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. QA team member sets task to “To Do” when “4. Conduct Content QA of Course” is set to Done, OR CSG team member sets the task to “To Do” when “4. Final Creative Review and Export” is set to DONE. 
  2. Set this task to DONE when QA items are resolved.
It may need to be reviewed, depending on type and scope of QA edits. Typically, no review.
  1. ID/IDA marks this task as DONE when QA items are fully addressed.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Another IDA, the project ID, Member of QA Team

Common Mistakes/Confusion

When to swap links from GDrive to S3 in Canvas course hasn’t been clear. Clarifying that with a checkbox for IDAs in this task.

How did we do?

1. Complete Dev to QA Checklist
