Course Set Up: Reviewing Due dates

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Course Set Up: Reviewing Due dates

Although the system automation that runs one week before your course starts sets the course due dates for assignments, you are required to check these for accuracy before each new section of a course begins.

You can view Assignment due dates via the Assignment tabs within your course.

If you do need to edit any due dates for whatever reason, this process takes place within the Assignments tab from within your course.

Important: Due dates can only be changed in the Assignments area — they cannot be adjusted in the Syllabus. 

To set Assignment Due dates please follow the below steps:

Click on Assignment Tab from within your course

  • To the left is an icon to represent each assignment type: Discussion (speech bubble), Quiz (rocket), and Course protect (page)
  • Look to the right of each assignment and click in the three black vertical dots, then click “Edit”. Note: The name of each assignment and points are set for you- you do not need to change these.
  • The center field is when you will select the due date and time. Saving this will update the due date and time on the Assignments page within your course. It will also add the assignment as a calendar event for students.

The Syllabus page contains a list of required assignments, which will be visible to students. 

Please note that content listed on top of the syllabus varies based on course and vertical of course.

Please keep in mind that our instance of Canvas is set to display all times (including deadlines) for Eastern time (ET), and you should follow suit when setting due dates and times.

How did we do?

Course Set Up: Live Session Information page

Course Set Up: Reviewing Announcements
