Table of Contents

2. Copy Edit Course & Files

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

Copy Edit Course & Files

Copy Edit Files

Follow the process below to copy edit files before course launch.

File Storage Information

Students in our courses interact with two main types of files: PDF files (usually tools and glossaries) and DOCX files (usually course projects). In some cases they also see XLSX files (spreadsheets). Once finalized, all files students interact with in short courses are stored on S3 (where courses and course transcripts link to them) and also in the course's Final Files folder in the CSG Shared Drive.

For-credit course files are stored in the CU instance of Canvas, not on S3, and the timing of the task may be different than in a catalog course, but the process for copy editing files is the same.

PDF files come from INDD source files. These INDD files remain on Google Drive, where they are accessed anytime an edit is needed, before or after course launch. They are edited using InCopy and then finalized by the graphic design team before being uploaded to S3 and added to the Final Files folder in the CSG Shared Drive.

All other file types (DOCX, XLSX, and re-finalized PDF files) are stored both in the Final Files folder in the CSG Shared Drive (for editing purposes) and on S3 (for course delivery purposes).

This section will explain both processes: editing INDD files and editing other file types.

Editing INDD Files
  1. Open Finder, and click on the Google Drive tab.
  2. Navigate to Shared Drives, and then to CSG Tools.
    1. Open the certificate folder, i.e., SHA770s Advanced Hospitality Management.
    2. Open the course's creative folder, i.e., SHA771 Creative
    3. Open the InDesign folder to find the editable source files for any PDF course files (tools, action plans, glossary, activities, etc.).
    4. Edit the .indd file using InCopy.
  3. After checking in all the content, you may close InCopy.
Editing DOCX (and XLSX) Files
  1. Open the file from the shared CSG folder using the Finder window on your desktop. (Google Drive --> Shared Drives --> CSG Tools --> Course Folder --> Final Files)
If the file exists in both Google Drive and S3*, download the file from its S3* location. This is to ensure that the version of the file that students have access to is the one being edited.
  1. Open the file and copy edit it. Be sure to look for a course style & settings guide linked in the QA Tracker to assist you.
  2. Run and resolve the accessibility checker.
  3. Save the edited file to your desktop. Follow these file naming and storage convention standards.
  4. Upload the edited file to:
    1. The Final Files folder in CSG Shared Google Drive.
    2. The appropriate S3* location and Make Public. You may now remove the file from your desktop.
* If you do not have S3 access or have issues formatting any aspect of the DOC or XLS file, attach the file to the Final Creative Review and Export task in Wrike and ask for help from Creative.

Copy Edit the Course

  1. Be sure to review the Writing and Editing Style Guide and any course-specific style guide when editing courses. When a course-specific style guide conflicts with AP style (or other eC-specific standards), follow the course-specific standards.
  2. Make edits directly in the course. Record any issues or questions with a course page in the QA tracker.

Communicate via Wrike

  1. When the course is fully edited, mark the Implement QA Edits Wrike task To Do and @mention the IDA assigned to this course that the task is ready for them.
  2. When the files are edited, mark the Final Creative Review and Export Wrike task To Do and @mention Yumi Suh and the graphic designer assigned to the project, if known, letting them know that the files are ready to be finalized and uploaded to S3.
  3. When both the course and the files have been copy edited, mark the Copy Edit Course & Files Wrike task Done.

How did we do?

2. Copy Edit Captions

4. Conduct Content QA of Course
