Required Course Elements

Casey Shew Updated by Casey Shew

Every eCornell course must include standard required elements:

  • Home page with stated objectives that match the charter, a list of included assets, a link to a course transcript, a course introduction video, a course description, the faculty author’s headshot and bio
  • Course project (often multi-part) that directs students to practice the objectives on the home page
  • Student Lounge
  • Module Introduction for each module
  • Module Wrap-up for each module
  • Two discussions, and no more than two, per eCornell short course
  • Assets presented in a variety of page types, including Read pages, Tools, Quizzes, Ask-the-Expert features
  • Faculty teaching via video (aim for 60 minutes of faculty video per eCornell short course)
  • An action plan (as a stand-alone asset or included within the project) if the content is abstract/theoretical and needs a boost to make it applicable to the student’s work
  • Stay Connected
  • Course survey
  • Thank You and Farewell page
  • The equivalent of one four-question quiz per module that meets the guidelines for OD assessments
    • For example, this could be one quiz with four questions, four quizzes with one-question each, or quick knowledge checks peppered throughout the module, or some unique combination you think up.
    • The ID can ask the faculty to supply usable problem sets or quiz questions as part of the non-video content provided, or these can be written by the ID/IDA. 
Q: Can these questions then fulfill the On Demand need for four assessments?
A: Yes, you can use these to fulfill that part of On Demand.

In the case of custom projects and courses being released to students seeking credit, faculty authors may choose to vary from the above eCornell standards, but they should be made aware of our best recommendations.

Hidden pages:

  • AA Course Overview
  • AA Course Template Fixes
  • AA Facilitator Notes
  • AA Course Maintenance Notes

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