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InCopy IDA/ID/CE Team Instructions

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

InCopy Instructions for IDAs, IDs and Copy Editors

Important notes before you get started:
  • Make sure that you have InCopy installed on your computer and running. Use the Creative Cloud in your applications to install InCopy, if you have not done so already. Reach out to IT or Jason C. if you need assistance.
  • To implement text edits, you will open .indd files in InCopy via Google Drive for Desktop. No need to download any InDesign files.
  • You do not need InDesign to use InCopy.
  • Confirm that Google Drive for Desktop is turned on and running. 

Setting Up InCopy for First-time Users

  1. Open InCopy. 
    1. Go to File > User
    2. Enter in the username you want and pick your favorite color. This helps keep track of who made which edits to the file.
  2. Go to Window > Workspace > change to Advanced
  3. Go to View > choose Layout View.
  4. Now your InCopy workspace is ready to go!

Opening Files in InCopy

  1. As of June 2022, you will access course documents via a Shared Google Drive.
    1. Open Finder and follow this file path: Google Drive --> Shared drives --> CSG Tools --> [certificate folder] --> [coursenumber Creative] --> InDesign
      Filepath for indd files
    2. Select the file(s) you need to edit, and open them in InCopy.
  2. You may get a Missing Font error message when opening InDesign files in InCopy. You do not need to download fonts in order to make edits: to ignore the warning, click Close, or you may choose to click Activate.

Editing Text With InCopy

Note: You can view the file in 3 different modes: Galley, Story, Layout. We suggest using Layout, as it maintains the original format of the document. If you wish to see only the text, use Galley.
  1. Open your assignments panel in the right-hand menu
If assignments is not appearing, check for Assignments under the Window drop-down.
  1. Click the down arrows to expand all, so you can see everything in the assignments panel

  1. Select all assignments (select the top, click shift, select the bottom)

  1. Click the Check Out button on the bottom right of the panel.
    1. Once your assignments are "checked out," a pencil icon will appear next to each one.
    Note: the Pencil icon means it is being edited.
  1. With all assignments still selected, click the Power button in the upper toolbar to turn on track changes for all of them.
    1. You can also go to Changes in the top toolbar menu and click Enable Tracking in All Stories.
  1. Implement your text edits. 
Note: Some text overflow will occur depending on how much text is added, and this is fine. Just let Creative know in the handoff in Wrike.
  1. If you wish to step away while editing (your assignments are still checked out), make sure to save your work via File > Save Content or cmd + S.

Saving Your Edits

When you are done implementing all text edits:

  1. Open your assignments panel and select all assignments (select the top, click shift, select the bottom)
  2. Click the Check In button on the bottom right of the panel. (This is the same button you used to ‘check out’ assignments)
    1. Once your assignments are "checked in" again, the pencil icon will be replaced by a globe icon. The globe icon means you are not in editing mode.
Note: “Checking in” is what saves your work. No one else can edit the file while you have it checked out.
  1. Click on the ‘x’ in the top right of the document tab, next to the file name to close your document, and you’re done!


  1. After checking in all the content, you may close InCopy and alert Creative via the Final Creative Review and Export task in Wrike so they can export the updated PDF(s).

Further learning

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