Extensions and Retakes

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Extensions and Retakes

Our objective is to help our students complete their courses. Sometimes, for various reasons, they are not able to do that in the scheduled span of the course. eCornell does grant extensions and retakes for students using the guidelines and process below.


In all cases...

  • Students must have successfully submitted 50% of the course assignments by the end date for the course. This is calculated by: 
    • Number of assignments submitted (ex: 3/6 assignments submitted) and/or:
    • Point value of assignments (ex: 10/20 possible points)
  • An extension may either be requested by the student OR may be implied if they meet the above criteria. (This includes requested revisions to assignments)
  • Students with less than 50% complete should be encouraged to retake the course.
  • Facilitators should always provide the exact end date and time of the student’s extension to avoid confusion.
  • If the student does not qualify for an extension you can refer the student to the Student Support team to schedule a retake for their course
Best Practice Tip:  To minimize extensions granted after the course ends, review submissions as they are submitted for completion and reach out to students who have incomplete sections of the course project and or who have minimal content that would result in a resubmission.

Two-day (48-hour) extensions should be granted if:

  • The student requesting the extension meets the 50% completion criterion stated above. 
  • You are requesting revisions to on-time assignments and allow the student time to revise. 
    • Please provide the student with an end date and time for their extension

Five-day extensions may be granted if:

  • The student is a first-time student.
  • Technical issues within the course did not allow students to complete on time.
  • A disaster (natural or otherwise) occurred in the student's locality.
  • The student became sick, had a death in the family, or experienced other personal extenuating circumstances.
  • The student is receiving accessibility accommodations. 
    • Please provide the student with an end date and time for their extension.
      • Note that 5-day extensions are not standard nor should be offered initially, only if the student meets the above criteria.

Process for Extensions

  • Course facilitators monitor the progress of students and reach out to students who appear to be falling behind. *Please note the time-saving tools for filtering and communicating with students through the Gradebook.
    • As a friendly reminder, all correspondence with students should take place exclusively within Canvas
  • Encourage the students who require an extension to communicate with you first.
  • Students should submit requests for an extension to the facilitator.
Some students may go to the Student Support Team first, and they will not be turned away if they do. The Support Team will advise the student to reach out to their facilitator in the future, but will let the facilitator know of any approved extension. The Support Team will follow the same guidelines and parameters that Course Facilitators do. 
If this situation were to arise, Student Support will reach out directly to the facilitator with a copy to the Program Facilitation Manager, advising of the approval. Please aim to grade these exceptions in a timely manner. Facilitators also have general flexibility to grant extensions outside of the noted 48-hour /5-day extension.

Please continue to this page for further information on ​​unique ​extension circumstances. ​

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