Table of Contents

8. Deployment - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Deployment" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Finalize Master Version of Course

Basic Task Description

QA version of course is used to create a Master version of course, with SIS ID following ABC123-M format. Master course is also set as a Blueprint.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. QA team member sets task to “To Do” when “5. Implement QA Edits” is set to Done.
  2. Set this task to DONE when -M is created.
It does not need to be reviewed.
  1. QA marks this task as DONE when -M has been created.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Markette, Karen

Who Defines Dates?

Karen and Course Ops

Common Mistakes/Confusion

NOTE: for STEM courses using Codio, ITG needs to verify that the Codio fork is set correctly

2. Create & Add CT to Course

Basic Task Description

  • -M version of course is used to create course transcript via the Course Transcript Creator Tool. 
  • HTML and PDF files of course transcript are uploaded to the Files section of the -M course. PDF is linked to homepage and added as the last page of the course.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. QA team member sets task to “To Do” when “1. Finalize Master Version of Course” is set to Done.
  2. Set this task to DONE when course transcript is linked to course and uploaded to appropriate storage locations.
It does not need to be reviewed.
  1. QA marks this task as DONE when course transcript has been created and uploaded.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • Courses not built with master course template may create difficulties going through CT creation tool.
  • Creating unit transcripts from a more comprehensive course, as on CU, has several additional steps (which are probably not yet outlined on KB, but which aren’t tricky.)

3. Create -T and Associate With Master Blueprint

Basic Task Description

  • Blank Training course is created and associated with Master Blueprint course.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. QA team member sets task to "To Do" when "2. Create & Add CT to Course" is set to Done.
  2. QA team member @ mentions the Course Operations user in Wrike to notify them the -T has been created and associated.
  3. QA team member sets task to "Done" when Training course has been associated with Master Blueprint.

How did we do?

1. Finalize Master Version of Course
