8. Deployment

8. Deployment - Wrike Task Definitions

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Deployment" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

1. Finalize Master Version of Course

An outline of the steps required to finalize a master version of a course, which is part of course deployment.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

2. Create & Add Course Transcript (CT) to Course

Updated information about creating a course transcript using the Course Transcript Maker Tool, link it to a course, and store related files on S3. Now addresses the issue regarding footers when printing html files from Chrome.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Replace a Master -M With a Redux Version of the Course

Occasionally, a redux version of a course will need to replace the current master version, so that the changes in the redux are applied to future course sections. To swap an existing -M with another version of the course on Canvas, follow these steps.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

3. Create -T (Training Course) and Associate With Master Blueprint

Beginning in January 2024, Training course (-T) will be created by the QA team and associated with a Blueprint -M, as part of course deployment.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Canvas Blueprint Course Functionality

Beginning in January 2024, all newly developed or redux courses will be made into Blueprint Masters with their Training and Demo courses associated to that Blueprint upon deployment, and courses needing course maintenance will be made into Blueprint Masters and associated when addressing course maintenance tickets.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce
