Table of Contents

Create Different Canvas Pages

Create a New Content Page

To create a new page in a Canvas course, regardless of the page type:

  1. Click Modules on the left-hand toolbar.
  1. Navigate to the module you want to add a new page. Click the + sign in the field with the module number and title.
  1. The Add Item popup appears. Click the dropdown arrow in the selection box.
  1. Select Page from the dropdown.
  1. Select "[Create Page]" from the populated list and enter the page name in the Page Name field.

All Canvas content page titles must start with the page type (for example: Read, Watch, Tool, etc.), followed by a colon, and then the title of the page.

Each page title should start with an actionable verb, such as "Calculate", "Explore", etc. Avoid words like "Learn", "Explain", "Read about", etc. so students learn actionable skills.

The following are some different examples of appropriate page titles:

Watch: Decipher the False Statement
Read: When to Modify the Desktop Dashboard
Tool: Calculate the NPV
Activity: Modify the Incorrect Solution
  1. Click Add Item.

Create a New Tool, Read, Activity, or Watch Page

To create a Tool, Read, Activity, or Watch page, follow the same instructions to create any new page in Canvas (above).

  1. In the Page Name field, use the following format:

Page Type

Page Name Format


Tool: New Tool Page Name


Read: New Read Page Name


Watch: New Watch Page Name


Activity: New Activity Page Name

  1. Click Add Item.
  2. Scroll to find the newly created page in the module.
  3. Click the new page title.
  4. Once in the new page, click Edit.
  1. Click View and select </> HTML Editor.
  1. You will now be able to enter text in full HTML code. You can either use the default "Pretty HTML Editor" or change it to "Raw HTML Editor". To do this, simply click on the Raw HTML Editor link below the text box.
  1. Once you have switched Editors, enter the following HTML coding into the text box depending on the type of page you are creating:

Page Type



<h2 class="tool">TITLE</h2>

<div class="tip-box float-right"  style="width: 300px;">

<h3 class="download">&nbsp;</h3></div>



<h2 class="read">TITLE</h2>

<div class="tip-box float-right" style="width: 300px;">

<h3 class="key-points">&nbsp;</h3>

<p> key learning point: #1</p>

<p>key learning point: #2</p>

<p>key learning point: #3</p>




<h2 class="watch">TITLE</h2>


<div id="kaltura1" class="kaltura_video resp2" style="margin: auto; width: 640px; height: 390px; margin-bottom: 1em; background: #ccc;">

<span class="entryId" style="display: none;">KALTURACODEHERE</span>



<h2 class="activity">Title</h2>


  1. Click Save.
To help alleviate the number of pages created in a course, you can also select an existing Tool or Read page to duplicate the settings/formatting and replace the content with the new page information.

Create a Discussion Page

To create a Discussion page, follow the same instructions to create a new item in Canvas (above).

  1. The Add Item popup appears. Click the dropdown arrow in the selection box.
  2. Select Discussion from the dropdown.
  1. Select "[Discussion #1 (or 2) Name]" from the list. Click Add Item.

To help alleviate the number of pages created in a course, you can also select an existing Discussion page to duplicate the settings/formatting and replace the content with the new page information.

Create a Project Page

To create a Project page, follow the same instructions to create a new item in Canvas (above).

  1. The Add Item popup appears. Click the dropdown arrow in the selection box.
  1. Select Assignment from the dropdown.
  1. From here, select an existing project assignment to copy or select "Create Assignment" to create a new assignment page.
  1. Click Add Item.

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Student Groups

Importing Specific Parts of a Canvas Course
