Table of Contents

5. Review - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Review" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Finalize Assignment/Grading Configuration and MOP

Basic Task Description

Assignment/Grading: MOP - ID reviews and updates of MOP based on content

Workflow Guidelines

When all content is complete, the ID marks this task to do, completes it, marks it done and proceeds to the Prep Course for Reviews task

1. Finalize Course Facilitator Notes

Basic Task Description

The ID – potentially working with Facilitation resources/PFM – edits the Facilitation Notes for the course, using the draft developed during an earlier project phase and faculty feedback

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Task set to To Do by the ID and then Done when the ID has completed the task
  2. If the notes are in a google doc, add a task for the IDA to add the notes to the canvas course  in the Dev to QA checklist task (in the QA milestone bucket)

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Dylan McNally for Tech courses
  • ID/D for non-tech courses

Who Defines Dates?


Common Mistakes/Confusion

The form of these notes/documents will vary depending on the nature of the content; see this HD article for detailed info.

1. Prep Course for Reviews

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID:
    1. Sets the task To Do
    2. Ensures IDA is assigned
    3. Modifies the task description as needed
    4. Tags IDA to request the course to be prepped
  2. IDA:
    1. Marks the task In Progress
    2. Creates review sheets as requested
    3. Creates a new duplicated tab in the eCornell Course Style and Settings Guide.
    4. Completes any additional prep tasks identified by the the ID
    5. Marks the task Done and tags the ID when the task is complete

2. Conduct Creative Review

Workflow Guidelines

This task will be assigned to the AD and the CD. It will happen concurrently with 2. Conduct IDD Review 2. Conduct Student Experience Review

  1. ID:
    1. Assigns the CD and AD
    2. Sets the task to To Do
    3. Adds a link to the review sheet and the course to be reviewed
    4. Tags the CD and AD and notes the specific due date.
  2. Creative Director and Art Director
    1. Completes Review
    2. Marks the task Done
    3. Proceeds to Implement Creative Director Edits

Common Mistakes/Confusion

This is assigned to both AD and CD but can be completed by either one (it does not need to be completed by both).

2. Conduct IDD Review

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID:
    1. Assigns the IDD
    2. Sets the task to To Do
    3. Adds a link to the review sheet 
    4. Tags the IDD  and notes the specific due date.
  2. IDD Director
    1. Completes Review
    2. Marks the task Done
    3. Proceeds to Implement IDD Edits

2. Student Experience Review

Basic Task Description

Generally, this task is marked NA during project planning. If, however, the ID or faculty feel a facilitator is needed, the ID confers with the IDD. If it is determined it is needed, the task status is returned to PLANNED until it is ready to begin. This review would coincide with IDD and CD reviews.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. If the review is needed, the ID
    • Assigns the PFM (ideally the PFM would have been consulted with when it was determined that a review would be needed)
    • Sets the task to To Do
    • Adds a link to the review sheet 
    • Tags the PFM  and notes the specific due date.
  2. PFM facilitates review completion, uses the Comments section to keep ID updated.

3. Implement Creative Director Edits

Workflow Guidelines

Creative Director:

  1. Assigns GD, IL, ID as needed
  2. Marks the task To Do
  3. Links updated review sheet.
  4. Tags GD, IL, ID as needed to make the edits
  5. If no edits are needed, marks the task NA and tags the ID notifying them that the course is CD approved

3. Implement IDD Edits

Workflow Guidelines

  1. IDD
    1. Assigns ID
    2. Marks the task To Do
    3. Links the completed review sheet
    4. Tags the ID that the review is complete and ready for the ID to begin implementation
  2. ID 
    1. Marks the task In Progress
    2. Reviews the review notes, facilitates implementation of revision notes with IDA CSG teams as needed.
    3. If tool revisions are needed, the ID uses the CSG - Revise Tools Export 1 task to facilitate updates
    4. If no tools need revisions, the ID marks the Revise Tools Export 1 task NA and removes assignees and dates
    5. Marks the task Done when complete.
    6. If all reviews complete, proceeds to

3. Implement Student Experience Review Edits

Workflow Guidelines

If the review is completed, the ID

  1. Reviews the SE notes and facilitates conversations with IDD, CSG teams, or faculty as needed
  2. If tool revisions are needed, the ID uses the CSG - Revise Tools Export 1 task to facilitate updates
  3. If no tools need revisions, the ID marks the Revise Tools Export 1 task NA and removes assignees and dates

3. Implement Creative Revisions

Basic Task Description

  • IDs initiate and facilitate completion of this task, though in some cases the IDA can be called upon to manage this.
  • ID/A and GD responsible for keeping dates and task statuses updated through completion.

Workflow Guidelines

If changes are not needed:

  1. ID marks the task as N/A and deletes the dates

If changes are needed:

  1. ID attaches the links to the review sheet and tags the appropriate team members to make the changes.
  2. ID marks the task as To Do
  3. If multiple team members need to make changes, please add subtasks to enable each teammate to track work and timelines separately.

4. Conduct Faculty Review

Basic Task Description

When all internal reviews complete, ID facilitates the faculty review

Workflow Guidelines (ID)

  1. Adds the faculty to the course as a student
  2. Marks the task In Progress
  3. Notes the date the content was sent to the faculty for review
    1. Emails the faculty that the course is ready for review. Includes:
      Link to course
    2. Link to review sheet
    3. Link to Facilitator Notes and any other documents needed
    4. Defines due date
  4. Keeps dates current
  5. Marks the task Done when the faculty returns the review sheet

5. Identify & Assign QA Resources

5. Implement Faculty Edits

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID sets the task to In Progress when receives faculty revision notes
  2. Uses this task to communicate with IDA to facilitate implementation of edits.
  3. Uses the CSG - Revise Tools Export 2 task to facilitate any tool update requests
  4. Convert Google drafts to Microsoft documents (Course Project and any Word or Excel file) using the Tool templates on the CSG shared drive.
  5. Sets status to Done when all updates are complete and ready to proceed to Faculty Sign Off

6. Complete Faculty Sign-Off

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID initiates task by:
    1. Assigning IDD
    2. Marking task to To Do
    3. Tagging IDD requesting the faculty completion form be sent
  2. IDD facilitates faculty sign off (see KB article)
  3. Tags ID when faculty has signed of and marks the task Done

6. Conduct Technical Review of Course (STEM-only)

Basic Task Description

The Tech Reviewer/QA conducts a review of the course, focusing on functionality of the technical exercises, accuracy of descriptions, and clarity of instructions, using BugHerd to log any issues.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Task is set to To Do by the ID once the predecessors have been completed
  2. Task set to In Progress by Tech QA
  3. Task set to Done when completed

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Ted Blanchard

Who Defines Dates?

  • This task (and the associated Implementation task) are hard prerequisites for beginning the Alpha
  • The previous IDD & Faculty Review tasks should be complete before the Tech QA begins

7. CSG - Convert Course Project to Word

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID/A initiates the task by tagging the GDC that the Course Project is ready to be formatted into Word.
  2. GD will convert the file to Word if it is a Google Doc. GD will check the formatting if the IDA decided to style the file as Word before reaching this task.
  3. Once styled, the GD will tag the ID/A and mark the task as Done.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

The ID/A can also style the Course Project before reaching this task or can wait for this task so the GD can format the Course Project into a Word document.

If the ID/A styles the Course Project, the GD will check the formatting.

If the ID/A leaves the styling of the Course Project to this task, the GD will format the Coruse Project accordingly.

  1. ID initiates task by:
    1. Assigning the GD Coordinator by name (not title), marking the task To Do
    2. Describing specifically what is needed in the task description
    3. Tagging the GDC (by name) in comments to notify them of the need.
  2. GD will work on any changes requested. GD will check formatting of converted Course Project along with any Microsoft files.
  3. GDC reassigns to designated GD
  4. GD marks the task In Progress
  5. ID/GD communicate via tags in comments to facilitate completion of the task
  6. ID marks the task Done with final versions are approved. (and works with IDA to relink the new tools as needed)

8. Create Alpha Schedule Doc from Template (STEM-only)

Basic Task Description

The ID creates and populates the Alpha Schedule doc from this template, with input from the Tech Lead and the PFM, and shares it with the PFM (DYlan), Course Ops (Lori Hoyt), and ITG (Jason Carroll).

Workflow Guidelines

Task set to To Do by the ID and then Done when the ID has completed the task

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Jason Carroll

Who Defines Dates?

Consultation with the PFM on using facilitators as Alpha testers should start fairly early in the Dev process, to make sure there are enough. TAs/students, contractors, and internal eC resources can also be used. More info here.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Make sure Alpha testers & facilitators are identified well in advance of it starting: consult with the PFM (Dylan) and the Tech Lead

8. Implement Tech Review Edits (STEM-only)

Basic Task Description

The Tech Developer, in conjunction with the Teach Lead, ID, and FA, implements the edits and fixes from the Tech Review, tracking them in the BugHerd project.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Task set to to To Do by the ID once the Tech Review is done
  2. Set to In Progress by the Tech Dev
  3. Tech Dev set to Ready for Review when Edits have been made
  4. ID sets to Done when Edits have been reviewed

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Ted Blanchard

Who Defines Dates?

The Faculty Author may or may not need to be consulted, depending on the nature and scope of the requested fixes/changes.

How did we do?

1. Prep Course for Reviews
