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4. Tools - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Tools" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Non-Video Graphics

Basic Task Description

Creating the graphics that will be used only in a tool or on a canvas page is a separate task from creating the actual tools (the Tool and Interactive Styling task).

If the graphic used in the tool is the same as one created in video, please note it here so we can request it from illustrators and avoid recreating it.

Workflow Guidelines

While drafting non-video content (tools and canvas based activities), the ID identifies any graphic needs. 

  1. If there are no graphic needs, the ID marks the task NA, deletes any assignees, and removes all dates.
  2. If there are graphic needs, the ID/A (if delegated this task):
    1. Completes the first two items on the list in the task description.
    2. Marks the task To Do
    3. Ensure the assignee is Yumi Suh (Graphic Design Coordinator) if not yet assigned.
    4. Yumi Suh (Graphic Design Coordinator) will assess with Danielle Barnett (Creative Director) the graphic needs.
    5. Once assessed Yumi Suh (Graphic Design Coordinator) will assign any graphics to the GD team and/or if they require an illustrator to Steve Bayne for allocation 
  3. GD/Illustrator changes the status to In Progress when working on the graphics
  4. GD/Illustrator changes the status to Ready for Review when the graphics are ready for review and tags the Creative Director to review
  5. After graphics are approved by Creative Director, the ID is assigned the task and the status is changed to Ready for Review.
  6. The ID reviews, and approves/requests changes. 
  7. If changes are requested, change the task back to To Do and tag the GD/Illustrator
  8. If the graphics are approved, mark Done and notify the GD.
  9. GD/IDA access the graphics as needed to add to tools or canvas pages.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • Graphic Design Coordinator,
  • ID
  • IDD

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial predecessor is edit/revise downloadable content under the Non-video milestone task
  • ID can change the initial date, if so, delete the predecessor.
  • ID/GD work together on dates.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

If the graphic used in the tool is the same as one created in video, please note it here so we can request it from illustrators and avoid recreating it.

This task is also used to request any hi-res images to use on Canvas. The images must be approved by Creative.

1. Tool and Interactive Styling

Basic Task Description

ID starts this task by providing information for GDC to begin styling the tools. This involves listing each tool (including the glossary), providing links to tool drafts, and providing faculty author's full name (not title) to credit on the tool.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Before the task begins, ID lists all tool deliverables needed in the task description. Link to GDrive/Non-video folder with the drafts and alt text. Graphics can also be listed here, but their development is managed separately in the Non-Video Graphics task.
  2. When the tools are ready to be stylized and listed in this task, the ID (or IDA if delegated), tags GD Coordinator, marks task as To Do, and tags the GDC informing them that task is ready to be begin.
  3. GD Coordinator conducts content audit to ensure content is clear and all assets have been provided. 
  4. GD Coordinator reassigns to a GD and tags the GD and cc’s the ID. 
  5. GD marks the task In Progress when working on the tools.
  6. GD marks task as Done when all drafts have been styled and proceeds to task “2. Tools Creative Review & Revise”

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • ID for any questions about content of the drafts (alt text, copyright on images, and any questions regarding content)
  • GD coordinator and assigned GD about progress on the styled tools

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by ID (standard time for this task is 10 days)
  • GD Coordinator/GD to update any dates in consultation with ID

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • Styling of tools need at least 10 business days for completion - unless otherwise discussed with GDC (less than 10 days may need IDD consultation too).
  • Any graphics that are on the tools that also need to be used on Video needs to have CD to review (this is coordinated between the CD and GD). CD will define if graphic tasks needs to be allocated to Illustration or Tools. 
  • GDC will not allocate the task to a GD, nor start the task, unless all content to drafts are provided.
  • There will be delays and impacts to the deadline if any tools require assets from animation that are still in progress.
  • Alt text is the ID/A’s responsibility. If it is not provided, GD will not include.
  • Course Project will be converted to a Word document in 5. Review, 6. CSG - Conversion to Word Doc
  • The due date on this task is for GD to finish styling the first draft of the tool. It is not the same as when the ID needs to review the tools (which is a separate, subsequent task)
    The faculty name is what we will be using for credits, not their title.
  • This task is for starting the styling of tools and is not for reviewing the task. It will be marked as Done by the GD once tools are uploaded for Creative Review. 
  • GD Coordinator will assign all tasks relevant to assigned GD after allocation

2. Tools Creative Review and Revise

Basic Task Description

The AD completes a Creative Review of all the tools shared by the GD. GD provides updated files based on feedback/approval

Workflow Guidelines

  1. GD initiates the task by uploading the styled tools through Wrike Proof and adding the AD as an approver. 
  2. GD marks the task as Initial Review and leaves a comment for the AD to review.
  3. AD provides feedback or approval on tools and leaves a comment for GD to make any necessary changes
  4. GD provides updated files on 3a. ID Review and Text Updates, tags the ID to review, and marks as Done once all files are approved.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

GD to tag AD for creative review.

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by completion date of previous task, 1. Tool and Interactive Styling
  • GD Coordinator to update any dates if review process goes over the due date

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • This task is not for ID’s to review; it is for AD to review to ensure tools are following eCornell’s branding
  • Though not an ID task, it does affect the project. The ID should tag the AD and/or GD if delays on this task affect project outcomes.
  • Microsoft tools, Course Projects, Action Plans, and Glossaries do not go through Creative Review.
  • Due date is the date for everything to be completed by all parties if possible
  • If a round of revision is needed, the GD Coordinator will communicate this need by tagging the ID/A

3a. ID Review and Text Updates

Basic Task Description

ID reviews the styled task and notes edits that needs to be made. Incopy notes can be made here for the IDA but should be for design changes needed.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID reviews the styled task and notes edits that needs to be made via Wrike's comment feature
  2. IDA makes text and other changes they can via InCopy - ensure it is clear which changes were made and which ones remain for GD to make
  3. IDA marks this task done and goes to task 3b, "Tool Graphic Edits" to inform GD to implement the changes

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

ID tags GD when file is ready to adjust based on InCopy exports

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by completion date of previous task, 2. Tools Creative Review 
  • GD Coordinator to update any dates if review process goes over the due date in consultation with ID

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • Styled tools will not have footer information in this task. 

3b. Tool Graphic Edits

Basic Task Description

This task is to track any edits the GD has to make from 3a, more to track the stage the GD is in. This is not for ID to track any edits.

Workflow Guidelines

GD reviews the tool edit notes from the ID/A from 3a. ID Review and Text Updates, and makes remaining updates.

  1. GD reviews the tool edit notes from ID/A and makes remaining updates
  2. GD re-exports all submitted tools
  3. GD uploads the final tools to the task and @mentions the ID/A to review the tools
  4. If there are changes, ID/A make notes and review/ revise work (iterative process)
  5. Once all tools are approved, the GD marks the task done and adds the finalized tools to the 4a. Faculty Review task and @mentions the ID to start the task.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

ID tags GD when file is ready to adjust based on InCopy exports and graphic changes

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by completion date of previous task, 3.a ID Review and Text Updates
  • Dates adjusted in coordination with ID/IDA.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

InCopy relies on Google Drive properly syncing. Issues could arise if this occurs. 

Requires proper usage of InCopy to retain file structure

4a. Faculty Review and Approve Styled Assets

Basic Task Description

GD uploads the tool and assigns this task to IDs. ID to use Wrike Guest review and share with faculty so they can provide their feedback.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. GD uploads all approved tools from 3d. Styled Review - Review and Approve Assets
  2. GD assigns task to IDs
  3. ID uses Wrike Guest review (please see this article on how to set this up) and shares with faculty)
  4. Faculty adds their feedback via comments
  5. ID reviews the faculty's comments and add clarifications as needed
  6. ID/A notes all comments in a GD for GD to conduct in 4b. Faculty Review - Implement Text and Creative Edits

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

GD for any questions related to this task.

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by completion date of previous task,  3b. Tool Graphic Edits
  • GD Coordinator to update any dates if review process goes over the due date in consultation with ID

Common Mistakes/Confusion

ID not knowing how to add faculty to guest review can reach out to the GD Coordinator.

Using Wrike Guest Reviews:

Wrike's help center has many documentation on how to use Guest Reviewers.

  • Inviting Guest Reviewers - this article explains how to invite guest reviewers and how to add them to review files. The files must be uploaded to this task first before you can set up reviews.

4b. Faculty Review - Implement Text and Creative Edits

Basic Task Description

ID/IDA brings the text edits received from faculty and implements them into the InCopy files.

Workflow Guidelines

ID/IDA takes the text edits and implements them into InCopy

  1. ID/A refers to the comments left by Faculty and implements PDF text edits via InCopy
  2. ID/A tags the GD to export PDFs with implemented text edits (along with any design changes)
  3. GD updates the InCopy links and implements any graphic changes
  4. GD exports PDFs and uploads revised files to Wrike Proof in 4c. Faculty Review and Approve Styled Assets

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

GD for any questions related to this task.

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by completion date of previous task,  4.a Faculty Review and Approve Styled Assets
  • GD Coordinator to update any dates if review process goes over the due date in consultation with ID

Common Mistakes/Confusion

InCopy relies on Google Drive properly syncing. Issues could arise if this occurs. 

Requires proper usage of InCopy to retain file structure

4c. Faculty Review - CSG - Update, Approve, Export Tools in InCopy

Basic Task Description

GD updates styled tools if there are any changes from faculty.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Faculty reviews PDFs and leaves feedback via comments
  2. ID tags the GD to inform whether PDFs have been approved or needs any additional edits
  3. ID/A marks this task as done and continues to the next task, 5. Add Google Drive Links to Canvas.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

ID for any clarification on faculty edits provided

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by completion date of previous task, 4.b. Faculty Review - Implement Text and Grpahic Edits
  • GD Coordinator to update any dates if review process goes over the due date in consultation with ID

Common Mistakes/Confusion

If there are more than one round of revision from faculty, please use this task to handle the changes instead of using 4b so we avoid re-opening closed task.

ID/A implements text edits via InCopy and GD implements any graphic changes.

Basic Task Description

The ID/IDAs adds Google Drive links to Canvas after all assets are approved.

Workflow Guidelines

The ID/IDAs should go to the Google Drive (Shared CSG folder), find the certificate number (ex. ABC100's), go to the specific course (ex. ABC103 Creative) , then finally going to the Final Files folder. This is where they can get the shared link to add to Canvas.

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial dates are defined by completion date of previous task,  4.d. Faculty Review and Approve Styled Assets
  • GD Coordinator to update any dates if review process goes over the due date in consultation with ID

How did we do?

3. Review And Revise Styled Assets
