How Do I Save and Refer Back to Zoom Recordings?

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

How Do I Save and Refer Back to Zoom Recordings?

You are able to save and refer back to your Zoom recordings, if you record live at time of the event. If you'd like to record a Live session, we encourage you to ask participants if they are comfortable being recorded before starting recording.

Please note that Zoom meetings will be configured to automatically record. The recording is for internal purposes. At the facilitator's discretion, on a case-by-case basis, the recording can be shared with other students in a course section if it a particularly useful demonstration (i.e., most often seen in STEM-related courses). However, the baseline is for the recording not to be shared as we would like to encourage live participation.

​You can save your Cornell Zoom sessions to the Cloud (Select the Record to the Cloud option in Zoom when you start recording). Your Cloud recordings are available on Cornell's Video-on-Demand. platform.  Recordings are generally available within an hour after recording, and you'll receive a notification email to your address when it's ready. To access them, you can follow these steps:

Navigate to

  1. Login with your Cornell NetID and password pair.
  2. In the My Media list, locate the Zoom recording you want to share, and click the session title to open it for viewing.
  1. Underneath the transcript, to the right, click the Actions drop down menu, and select Publish.
  1. Select Unlisted and click Save. *Please note this step is imperative, if you do not "Unlist" the recordings, they will display as "Access Denied" for anyone attempting to view them outside of Cornell University.
  1. Under the Share tab, copy the recording link. Now, you are able share this link if needed!

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​How Do I Find My Personal ID Meeting link in ​Zoom​?​
