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Excel Tools: Draft and Final

Yumi Suh Updated by Yumi Suh


Excel (.xlsx) is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and has different styling compared to word processors. Excels will be styled by the Graphic Designers but IDAs can also set up the file with eCornell’s styling. 

Excel styling should be requested in 4. Tools, 1. Tool and Interactive Styling along with the rest of the tools.

Common Questions:

Can I open Excel files (.xlsx) on the browser?
No. If you open Excel files on the browser (Safari / Google / Firefox), it could lose hidden formulas or features since Google Sheets does not have all the features Excel has. By opening it, it converts the .xlsx to .gsheet
When are footers added to Excels and by who?
Footers will be added during 7. QA, 4. Final Creative Review and Export by the Graphic Design team.

The Excel Template

If you would like to provide a copy of the excel template for faculty to use, you will find it in CSG Tools > 0. Microsoft Template & Instructions > Excel Template & Instructions > abc101_excel-tool-template.

  • Please save any Excel files in the Final Files folder in the CSG Tools Shared Drive. If this folder does not exist, please reach out to GD Coordinator (Yumi Suh) to make the folder for you. 
  • The 1st tab is for the instructions of the Excel tool.
  • 2nd-3rd are examples of different tables.
  • The footer information is only on the instructions/first tab. No need to add the footer to each new tab.

For Styling: Using Excel Styles

Below you'll find the different styles (type/font, colors, and layout) that can be used for styling Excel tools


  • All fonts in Microsoft files are Arial.
  • In the Page Layout Tab, choose Arial as the main default font.
When and what styles to use?
Text / Paragraph Styles
Primary Header (not in table)
Crimson #B31B1B

Table Header Fill
Hyperlink #3A708or Dark Grey #606366 (do not use both together) #B31B1B

Table Header Text
White #FFFFFF, Crimson #B31B1B, or eC Black #393F47

Table Cell
Table Cell GrayECECEC or White #FFFFFF

Body Text
eC Black #393F47

Cell highlighters
Can be any of these values: #F0D1D1 | #FDDFB3 | #D1E7B3 | #BAE2DD | #DEF3F5
#FFFFFF Used for Table Headers text

#393F47 Used for all our text

Table Cell Gray/Light Gray (#ECECEC)
#ECECECUsed for 2nd Header or Subheader fill. Fill color for callouts.
Accessible with eCBlack text.

Crimson (#B31B1B)
#B31B1BUsed for headers. We avoid using this for table header fills/backgrounds.

Dark Gray (#606366)
#606366Used for table header row instead of Hyperlink. Try to not use Hyperlink and Dark Gray together/next to each other.
Accessible with White text.

Hyperlink (#3A708B)
#3A708BUsed for table header fills/backgrounds. Used for hyperlinks to websites, etc.
Accessible with White text.

Seaweed Tint (#BAE2DD)
#BAE2DDUsed for cell highlights, or if need be extra cell header fills.
Accessible with eCBlack text.

Sea Blue Tint (#DEF3F5)
#DEF3F5Used for cell highlights, or if need be extra cell header fills.
Accessible with eCBlack text.

Border Gray (#CECECE)
#CECECEThis is used for table borders only.

Crimson Tint (#F0D1D1)
#F0D1D1Used for cell highlights, or if need be extra cell header fills.
Accessible with eCBlack text.
Tips & Tricks
If you find you would like more spacing to the left side of the text, use the indent buttons in the home tab.

Making Excel Files Accessible
Use the built in Accessibility checker in Excel. Link for Microsoft resources for the checker.

If there are blank cells in a table, please put "N/A". Make the "N/A" text the same color as the cell fill. If the cell fill is white, make the text white - it allows the screen reader user to understand there is content and the table continues.

How did we do?

Course Project: Draft and Final
